Chinese Idiom Story
Delve into Chinese Culture
Chinese Idiom: 师出无名 (Shi Chu Wu Ming)English Translation: Army marches without a proper namepīn yīn: shī chū wú míngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 夸父逐日 (Kua Fu Zhu Ri)English Translation: Kua Fu chases the sunpīn yīn: kuā fù zhú rìIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 厉兵秣马 (Li Bing Mo Ma)English Translation: Sharpen weapons and feed horsespīn yīn: lì bīng mò mǎIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 业精于勤 (Ye Jing Yu Qin)English Translation: Expertise comes from diligencepīn yīn: yè jīng yú qínIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 平地波澜 (Ping Di Bo Lan)English Translation: Waves on flat groundpīn yīn: píng dì bō lánIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 必恭必敬 (Bi Gong Bi Jing)English Translation: Be respectful and courteouspīn yīn: bì gōng bì jìngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 未能免俗 (Wei Neng Mian Su)English Translation: Unable to escape custompīn yīn: wèi néng miǎn súIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 未雨绸缪 (Wei Yu Chou Mo)English Translation: Repair the house before it rainspīn yīn: wèi yǔ chóu móuIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 对牛弹琴 (Dui Niu Tan Qin)English Translation: Playing the lute to a cowpīn yīn: duì niú tán qínIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 可望而不可即 (Ke Wang Er Bu Ke Ji)English Translation: Visible but unattainablepīn yīn: kě wàng ér bù kě jíIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 对症下药 (Dui Zheng Xia Yao)English Translation: Administer the right medicine for the illnesspīn yīn: duì...
Chinese Idiom: 永垂不朽 (Yong Chui Bu Xiu)English Translation: Eternally enduring and imperishablepīn yīn: yǒng chuí bù...
Chinese Idiom: 外强中干 (Wai Qiang Zhong Gan)English Translation: Strong on the outside, but weak on the insidepīn yīn:...
Chinese Idiom: 世外桃源 (Shi Wai Tao Yuan)English Translation: Peach Blossom Land Beyond the Worldpīn yīn: shì wài táo...
Chinese Idiom: 打草惊蛇 (Da Cao Jing She)English Translation: Scare the Snake by Beating the Grasspīn yīn: dǎ cǎo jīng...
Chinese Idiom: 尔诈我虞 (Er Yu Wo Zha)English Translation: You Deceive Me, I Lie to Youpīn yīn: lì lì zài mùIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 民为邦本 (Min Wei Bang Ben)English Translation: Min Wei Bang Ben – The People Are the Foundation of the...
Chinese Idiom: 灭此朝食 (Mie Ci Zhao Shi)English Translation: Annihilate This Before Breakfastpīn yīn: miè cǐ zhāo shíIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 东施效颦 (Dong Shi Xiao Pin)English Translation: Dong Shi Imitates Frowningpīn yīn: dōng shī xiào pínIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 东山再起 (Dong Shan Zai Qi)English Translation: Rise again on the East Mountainpīn yīn: dōng shān zài qǐIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 叹为观止 (Tan Wei Guan Zhi)English Translation: Sighing with admirationpīn yīn: tàn wéi guān zhǐIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 司空见惯 (Si Kong Jian Guan)English Translation: Commonly seen by the Minister of Workspīn yīn: sī kōng...
Chinese Idiom: 出尔反尔 (Chu Er Fan Er)English Translation: Act one way and then act in the opposite mannerpīn yīn: chū...
Chinese Idiom: 出类拔萃 (Chu Lei Ba Cui)English Translation: Stand out from the classpīn yīn: chū lèi bá cuìIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 出奇制胜 (Chu Qi Zhi Cheng)English Translation: Win through unconventional meanspīn yīn: chū qí zhì shèngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 出其不意 (Chu Qi Bu Yi)English Translation: Strike when the opponent least expectspīn yīn: chū qí bù yìIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 出人头地 (Chu Ren Tou Di)English Translation: Stand out from the crowdpīn yīn: chū rén tóu dìIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 生离死别 (Sheng Li Si Bie)English Translation: Parting in life and separation in deathpīn yīn: shēng lí...
Chinese Idiom: 生灵涂炭 (Sheng Ling Tu Tan)English Translation: Living beings in mud and firepīn yīn: shēng líng tú tànIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 生吞活剥 (Sheng Tun Huo Bo)English Translation: Swallow raw and strip alivepīn yīn: shēng tūn huó bōIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 生死存亡 (Sheng Si Cun Wang)English Translation: Life and death, survival and extinctionpīn yīn: shēng sǐ...
Chinese Idiom: 生花妙笔 (Sheng Hua Miao Bi)English Translation: A pen that produces flowerspīn yīn: shēng huā miào bǐIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 生不逢辰 (Sheng Bu Feng Chen)English Translation: Born without encountering favorable timespīn yīn: shēng...
Chinese Idiom: 目无全牛 (Mu Wu Quan Niu)English Translation: Not see the whole cowpīn yīn: mù wú quán niúIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 目不识丁 (Mu Bu Shi Ding)English Translation: Unable to recognize the character ‘Ding’pīn yīn:...
Chinese Idiom: 左右逢源 (Zuo You Feng Yuan)English Translation: Meeting sources on both sidespīn yīn: zuǒ yòu féng yuánIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 左顾右盼 (Zuo Gu You Pan)English Translation: Looking left and rightpīn yīn: zuǒ gù yòu pànIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 立谈之间 (Li Tan Zhi Jian)English Translation: In the time it takes to stand and talkpīn yīn: lì tán zhī...
Chinese Idiom: 归马放牛 (Gui Niu Fang Ma)English Translation: Return horses to the mountainspīn yīn: guī mǎ fàng niúIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 发愤忘食 (Fa Fen Wang Shi)English Translation: Resolve to work hard and forget to eatpīn yīn: fā fèn wàng...
Chinese Idiom: 发人深省 (Fa Ren Shen Xing)English Translation: Inspire deep reflection in peoplepīn yīn: fā rén shēn xǐngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 甘拜下风 (Gan Bai Xia Feng)English Translation: Willingly bow to the lower windpīn yīn: gān bài xià fēngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 石破天惊 (Shi Po Tian Jing)English Translation: Stone shatters the sky, causing a shockpīn yīn: shí pò tiān...
Chinese Idiom: 白头如新 (Bai Tou Ru Xin)English Translation: White-headed like newpīn yīn: bái tóu rú xīnIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 白驹过隙 (Bai Ju Guo Xi)English Translation: A white steed passes a crevicepīn yīn: bái jū guò xìIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 白面书生 (Bai Mian Shu Sheng)English Translation: Pale-faced scholarpīn yīn: bái miàn shū shēngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 对酒当歌 (Dui Jiu Dang Ge)English Translation: Facing wine, sing a songpīn yīn: duì jiǔ dāng gēIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 四海为家 (Si Hai Wei Jia)English Translation: Make one’s home in the four seaspīn yīn: sì hǎi wéi...
Chinese Idiom: 四体不勤,五谷不分 (Si Ti Bu Qin, Wu Gu Bu Fen)English Translation: Four limbs do not labor, five grains are not...
Chinese Idiom: 四分五裂 (Si Fen Wu Lie)English Translation: Four divisions and five splitspīn yīn: sì fēn wǔ lièIdiom...
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