Chinese Idiom: 业精于勤 (Ye Jing Yu Qin)
English Translation: Expertise comes from diligence
pīn yīn: yè jīng yú qín
Idiom Meaning: This idiom indicates that proficiency in a field is achieved through diligent effort.
Historical Source: 韩愈《进学解》 (Han Yu’s “On the Advancement of Learning”).
Idiom Story:
Han Yu, a prominent scholar and official during the Tang Dynasty, faced numerous setbacks throughout his career. His frustration with his misfortunes and a desire to express his feelings led him to write an essay titled “On the Advancement of Learning” (《进学解》).
During the later years of Emperor Dezong’s reign, Han Yu, then a Censor in the court, advocated on behalf of the suffering people in the Guanzhong region (modern-day Shaanxi), who were hit by a severe drought and famine. His honest reporting of the disaster led to his unjust demotion to a remote post in Lianzhou (modern-day Guangdong Province). After a series of further demotions and political struggles, Han Yu found himself again demoted due to a mistake made while he was on his way back to the capital.
In his essay, Han Yu reflected on his experiences and the principles he had learned. He wrote:
- 业精于勤 (yè jīng yú qín): Expertise comes from diligence.
- 荒于嬉 (huāng yú xī): Neglect comes from indulgence.
- 行成于思 (xíng chéng yú sī): Success comes from careful thought.
- 毁于随 (huǐ yú suí): Failure comes from carelessness.
Han Yu’s reflections emphasize that expertise and success in any field are achieved through consistent hard work and thoughtful consideration. Conversely, neglect and failure result from laziness and a lack of careful planning. This insightful observation underscores the value of diligence and attentiveness in achieving mastery and success.