Chinese Idioms about Events
Chinese Idiom: 约法三章 (Yue Fa San Zhang)
English Translation: Agreeing on three laws
pīn yīn: yuē fǎ sān zhāng
Chinese Idiom: 因地制宜 (Yin Di Zhi Yi)
English Translation: Adapting measures to local conditions
pīn yīn: yīn dì zhì...
Chinese Idiom: 因人成事 (Yin Ren Cheng Shi)
English Translation: Achieving success by relying on others
pīn yīn: yīn...
Chinese Idiom: 当头棒喝 (Dang Tou Bang He)
English Translation: A sudden blow to the head with a stick
pīn yīn: dāng...
Chinese Idiom: 负隅顽抗 (Fu Yu Wan Kang)
English Translation: Resisting tenaciously from a stronghold
pīn yīn: fù yú...
Chinese Idiom: 负荆请罪 (Fu Jing Qing Zui)
English Translation: Carrying brambles on one’s back to apologize
Chinese Idiom: 问一得三 (Wen Yi De San)
English Translation: Ask one question and receive three answers
pīn yīn: wèn...
Chinese Idiom: 成也萧何,败也萧何 (Cheng Ye Xiao He, Bai Ye Xiao He)
English Translation: Success or failure is attributed to Xiao...
Chinese Idiom: 决一雌雄 (Jue Yi Ci Xiong)
English Translation: Determine the Male and Female
pīn yīn: jué yī cí xióng
Chinese Idiom: 机不可失 (Ji Bu Ke Shi)
English Translation: Do not miss a critical opportunity
pīn yīn: jī bù kě shī
Chinese Idiom: 仰人鼻息 (Yang Ren Bi Xi)
English Translation: Relying on the breath of others
pīn yīn: yǎng rén bí xī
Chinese Idiom: 各自为政 (Ge Zi Wei Zheng)
English Translation: Each governs their own affairs
pīn yīn: gè zì wèi zhèng
Chinese Idiom: 讳莫如深 (Hui Mo Ru Shen)
English Translation: The more hidden, the better
pīn yīn: huì mò rú shēn
Chinese Idiom: 论功行赏 (Lun Gong Xing Shang)
English Translation: Rewarding based on merit
pīn yīn: lùn gōng xíng shǎng
Chinese Idiom: 危急存亡 (Wei Ji Cun Wang)
English Translation: Critical moment of life and death
pīn yīn: wēi jí cún wáng
Chinese Idiom: 众志成城 (Zhong Zhi Cheng Cheng)
English Translation: United will builds a strong city
pīn yīn: zhòng zhì...
Chinese Idiom: 安如泰山 (An Ru Tai Shan)
English Translation: As stable as Mount Tai
pīn yīn: ān rú tài shān
Idiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 异军突起 (Yi Jun Tu Qi)
English Translation: A different army rises abruptly
pīn yīn: yì jūn tú qǐ
Chinese Idiom: 百川归海 (Bai Chuan Gui Hai)
English Translation: Hundred rivers return to the sea
pīn yīn: bǎi chuān guī...
Chinese Idiom: 百战百胜 (Bai Zhan Bai Sheng)
English Translation: A hundred battles, a hundred victories
pīn yīn: bǎi zhàn...
Chinese Idiom: 防微杜渐 (Fang Wei Du Jian)
English Translation: Prevent minor issues and stop their development
pīn yīn:...
Chinese Idiom: 防患未然 (Fang Huan Wei Ran)
English Translation: Prevent problems before they arise
pīn yīn: fáng huàn wèi...
Chinese Idiom: 如火如荼 (Ru Huo Ru Tu)
English Translation: As fierce as fire and as intense as grass
pīn yīn: rú huǒ rú...
Chinese Idiom: 岌岌可危 (Ji Ji Ke Wei)
English Translation: In imminent danger
pīn yīn: jí jí kě wēi
Idiom Meaning: This...
Chinese Idiom: 师出无名 (Shi Chu Wu Ming)
English Translation: Army marches without a proper name
pīn yīn: shī chū wú míng
Chinese Idiom: 厉兵秣马 (Li Bing Mo Ma)
English Translation: Sharpen weapons and feed horses
pīn yīn: lì bīng mò mǎ
Chinese Idiom: 未雨绸缪 (Wei Yu Chou Mo)
English Translation: Repair the house before it rains
pīn yīn: wèi yǔ chóu móu
Chinese Idiom: 对症下药 (Dui Zheng Xia Yao)
English Translation: Administer the right medicine for the illness
pīn yīn: duì...
Chinese Idiom: 打草惊蛇 (Da Cao Jing She)
English Translation: Scare the Snake by Beating the Grass
pīn yīn: dǎ cǎo jīng...
Chinese Idiom: 尔诈我虞 (Er Yu Wo Zha)
English Translation: You Deceive Me, I Lie to You
pīn yīn: lì lì zài mù
Idiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 民为邦本 (Min Wei Bang Ben)
English Translation: Min Wei Bang Ben – The People Are the Foundation of the...
Chinese Idiom: 灭此朝食 (Mie Ci Zhao Shi)
English Translation: Annihilate This Before Breakfast
pīn yīn: miè cǐ zhāo shí
Chinese Idiom: 出奇制胜 (Chu Qi Zhi Cheng)
English Translation: Win through unconventional means
pīn yīn: chū qí zhì shèng
Chinese Idiom: 出其不意 (Chu Qi Bu Yi)
English Translation: Strike when the opponent least expects
pīn yīn: chū qí bù yì
Chinese Idiom: 生灵涂炭 (Sheng Ling Tu Tan)
English Translation: Living beings in mud and fire
pīn yīn: shēng líng tú tàn
Chinese Idiom: 生吞活剥 (Sheng Tun Huo Bo)
English Translation: Swallow raw and strip alive
pīn yīn: shēng tūn huó bō
Chinese Idiom: 生死存亡 (Sheng Si Cun Wang)
English Translation: Life and death, survival and extinction
pīn yīn: shēng sǐ...
Chinese Idiom: 归马放牛 (Gui Niu Fang Ma)
English Translation: Return horses to the mountains
pīn yīn: guī mǎ fàng niú
Chinese Idiom: 石破天惊 (Shi Po Tian Jing)
English Translation: Stone shatters the sky, causing a shock
pīn yīn: shí pò tiān...
Chinese Idiom: 白驹过隙 (Bai Ju Guo Xi)
English Translation: A white steed passes a crevice
pīn yīn: bái jū guò xì
Chinese Idiom: 对酒当歌 (Dui Jiu Dang Ge)
English Translation: Facing wine, sing a song
pīn yīn: duì jiǔ dāng gē
Chinese Idiom: 四分五裂 (Si Fen Wu Lie)
English Translation: Four divisions and five splits
pīn yīn: sì fēn wǔ liè
Chinese Idiom: 四面楚歌 (Si Mian Chu Ge)
English Translation: Songs of Chu from all four sides
pīn yīn: sì miàn chǔ gē
Chinese Idiom: 去伪存真 (Qu Wei Cun Zhen)
English Translation: Remove the false and retain the true
pīn yīn: qù wěi cún zhēn
Chinese Idiom: 付之一炬 (Fu Zhi Yi Ju)
English Translation: Consign to a torch
pīn yīn: fù zhī yī jù
Idiom Meaning: To...
Chinese Idiom: 乐极生悲 (Le Ji Sheng Bei)
English Translation: Extreme joy leads to sorrow
pīn yīn: lè jí shēng bēi
Chinese Idiom: 巧取豪夺 (Qiao Qu Hao Duo)
English Translation: Cunningly obtain and forcefully seize
pīn yīn: qiǎo qǔ háo...
Chinese Idiom: 失斧疑邻 (Shi Fu Yi Lin)
English Translation: Losing an axe and suspecting the neighbor
pīn yīn: shī fǔ yí...
Chinese Idiom: 无可奈何 (Wu Ke Nai He)
English Translation: There is nothing one can do
pīn yīn: wú kě nài hé
Idiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 无人问津 (Wu Ren Wen Jin)
English Translation: No one asks for it
pīn yīn: wú rén wèn jīn
Idiom Meaning:...
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