Chinese Idiom Story
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Chinese Idiom: 捷足先登 (Jie Zu Xian Deng)English Translation: Swift feet ascend firstpīn yīn: jié zú xiān dēngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 深谋远虑 (Shen Mou Yuan Lv)English Translation: Deep planning and far-reaching considerationpīn yīn: shēn...
Chinese Idiom: 脚踏实地 (Jiao Ta Shi Di)English Translation: Feet on solid groundpīn yīn: jiǎo tà shí dìIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 推心置腹 (Tui Xin Zhi Fu)English Translation: tuī xīn zhì fùpīn yīn: tuī xīn zhì fùIdiom Meaning: To...
Chinese Idiom: 盖世之才 (Gai Shi Zhi Cai)English Translation: Talent that surpasses the worldpīn yīn: gài shì zhī cáiIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 虚左以待 (Xu Zuo Yi Dai)English Translation: Leaving the Left Seat Empty to Await Guestspīn yīn: xū zuǒ...
Chinese Idiom: 虚有其表 (Xu You Qi Biao)English Translation: Has an Attractive Appearance, but Lacks Substancepīn yīn:...
Chinese Idiom: 虚无缥缈 (Xu Wu Piao Miao)English Translation: Illusory and etherealpīn yīn: xū wú piāo miǎoIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 唯命是听 (Wei Ming Shi Ting)English Translation: Obey commands unconditionallypīn yīn: wéi mìng shì tīngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 唯利是图 (Wei Li Shi Tu)English Translation: Only profit is soughtpīn yīn: wéi lì shì túIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 梅开二度 (Mei Kai Er Du)English Translation: The plum blossoms bloom a second timepīn yīn: méi kāi èr dùIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 假仁假义 (Jia Ren Jia Yi)English Translation: False benevolence and false righteousnesspīn yīn: jiǎ rén...
Chinese Idiom: 排难解纷 (Pai Nan Jie Fen)English Translation: Remove difficulties and resolve disputespīn yīn: pái nán...
Chinese Idiom: 惊弓之鸟 (Jing Gong Zhi Niao)English Translation: A bird startled by the sound of a bowstringpīn yīn: jīng...
Chinese Idiom: 祸起萧墙 (Huo Qi Xiao Qiang)English Translation: Disaster arises from withinpīn yīn: huò qǐ xiāo qiángIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 患难相共 (Huan Nan Xiang Gong)English Translation: Share hardships togetherpīn yīn: huàn nàn xiāng gòngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 渐入佳境 (Jian Ru Jia JIng)English Translation: Gradually entering a good situationpīn yīn: jiàn rù jiā...
Chinese Idiom: 萎靡不振 (Wei Mi Bu Zhen)English Translation: Withered and listlesspīn yīn: wěi mí bù zhènIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 掩目捕雀 (Yan Mu Bu Que)English Translation: Covering one’s eyes to catch a sparrowpīn yīn: yǎn mù bǔ quèIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 掩耳盗铃 (Yan Er Dao Ling)English Translation: Covering one’s ears while stealing a bellpīn yīn: yǎn ěr...
Chinese Idiom: 望洋兴叹 (Wang Yang Xing Tan)English Translation: Looking at the ocean and sighingpīn yīn: wàng yáng xīng...
Chinese Idiom: 望梅止渴 (Wang Mei Zhi Ke)English Translation: Looking at plums to quench thirstpīn yīn: wàng méi zhǐ kěIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 趾高气扬 (Zhi Gao Qi Yang)English Translation: Walking with one’s head held highpīn yīn: zhǐ gāo qì yángIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 铤而走险 (Ting Er Zou Xian)English Translation: Take risks in a desperate situationpīn yīn: tíng ér zǒu...
Chinese Idiom: 敝帚自珍 (Bi Zhou Zi Zhen)English Translation: Cherishing One’s Own Broompīn yīn: bì zhǒu zì zhēnIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 萍水相逢 (Ping Shui Xiang Feng)English Translation: Meeting by Chance Like Floating Duckweedpīn yīn: píng...
Chinese Idiom: 渑池之功 (Mian Chi Zhi Gong)English Translation: Achievement at Mianchipīn yīn: miǎn chí zhī gōngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 黄袍加身 (Huang Pao Jia Shen)English Translation: Donning the yellow robepīn yīn: huáng páo jiā shēnIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 黄绢幼妇 (Huang Juan You Fu)English Translation: Young wife in yellow silkpīn yīn: huáng juàn yòu fùIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 黄粱一梦 (Huang Liang Yi Meng)English Translation: A dream of yellow milletpīn yīn: huáng liáng yī mèngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 绰绰有余 (Chuo Chuo You Yu)English Translation: Abundantly sufficientpīn yīn: chuò chuò yǒu yúIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 绰约多姿 (Graceful and charming)English Translation: Graceful and charmingpīn yīn: chuò yuē duō zīIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 聊胜于无 (Liao Sheng Yu Wu)English Translation: Slightly better than nothingpīn yīn: liáo shèng yú wúIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 晨钟暮鼓 (Chen Zhong Mu Gu)English Translation: Morning bell and evening drumpīn yīn: chén zhōng mù gǔIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 崇山峻岭 (Chong Shan Jun Ling)English Translation: Lofty and steep mountains and ridgespīn yīn: chóng shān...
Chinese Idiom: 剪烛西窗 (Jian Zhu Xi Chuang)English Translation: Cutting the candle at the western windowpīn yīn: jiǎn...
Chinese Idiom: 惊天动地 (Jing Tian Dong Di)English Translation: Shocking the heavens and moving the earthpīn yīn: jīng...
Chinese Idiom: 盘根错节 (Pan Gen Cuo Jie)English Translation: Roots and branches intertwined and crossed.pīn yīn: pán gēn...
Chinese Idiom: 盘马弯弓 (Pan Ma Wan Gong)English Translation: Riding in circles on horseback and drawing a bowpīn yīn:...
Chinese Idiom: 淡妆浓抹 (Dan Zhuang Nong Mo)English Translation: Light makeup and heavy makeuppīn yīn: dàn zhuāng nóng...
Chinese Idiom: 清风两袖 (Qing Feng Liang Xiu)English Translation: Two sleeves of clear windpīn yīn: qīng fēng liǎng xiùIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 清尘浊水 (Qing Chen Zhuo Shui)English Translation: Clear dust and murky waterpīn yīn: qīng chén zhuó shuǐIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 请君莫奏前朝曲 (Qing Jun Mo Zou Qian Chao Qu)English Translation: Please do not play the tunes of the previous...
Chinese Idiom: 读书破万卷,下笔如有神 (Du Shu Po Wan Juan, Xia Bi Ru You Shen)English Translation: Having read ten thousand volumes,...
Chinese Idiom: 害群之马 (Hai Qun Zhi Ma)English Translation: A horse that harms the herdpīn yīn: hài qún zhī mǎIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 请君入瓮 (Qing Jun Ru Weng)English Translation: Please enter the jarpīn yīn: qǐng jūn rù wēngIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 顽石点头 (Wan Shi Dian Tou)English Translation: Stubborn stones noddingpīn yīn: wán shí diǎn tóuIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 党同伐异 (Dang Tong Fa Yi)English Translation: Forming factions and attacking differencespīn yīn: dǎng tóng...
Chinese Idiom: 胸有成竹 (Xiong You Cheng Zhu)English Translation: Having a bamboo forest in one’s heartpīn yīn: xiōng yǒu...
Chinese Idiom: 离群索居 (Li Qun Suo Ju)English Translation: Living in solitude away from the grouppīn yīn: lí qún suǒ jūIdiom...
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