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Wei Ru Ji Lei Tastes Like Chicken Ribs
Wei Ru Ji Lei - Tastes like chicken ribs
Chinese Idiom: 味如鸡肋 (Wei Ru Ji Lei) English Translation: Tastes like chicken ribs pīn yīn: wèi rú jī lèi Idiom Meaning:...
Qi Lu Wang Yang The Lost Sheep At The Fork In The Road
Qi Lu Wang Yang - The lost sheep at the fork in the road
Chinese Idiom: 歧路亡羊 (Qi Lu Wang Yang) English Translation: The lost sheep at the fork in the road pīn yīn: qí lù wáng...
Zheng Wei Zhi Yin The Music Of Zheng And Wei
Zheng Wei Zhi Yin - The music of Zheng and Wei
Chinese Idiom: 郑卫之音 (Zheng Wei Zhi Yin) English Translation: The music of Zheng and Wei pīn yīn: zhèng wèi zhī yīn Idiom...
Zhong Nan Jie Jing A Shortcut In Zhongnan Mountain
Zhong Nan Jie Jing - A shortcut in Zhongnan Mountain
Chinese Idiom: 终南捷径 (Zhong Nan Jie Jing) English Translation: A shortcut in Zhongnan Mountain pīn yīn: zhōng nán jié...
Gua Mu Xiang Kan Look At Someone With Newly Opened Eyes
Gua Mu Xiang Kan - Look at someone with newly opened eyes
Chinese Idiom: 刮目相看 (Gua Mu Xiang Kan) English Translation: Look at someone with newly opened eyes pīn yīn: guā mù xiāng...
Mang Ren Mo Xiang Blind People Touching An Elephant
Mang Ren Mo Xiang - Blind people touching an elephant
Chinese Idiom: 盲人摸象 (Mang Ren Mo Xiang) English Translation: Blind people touching an elephant pīn yīn: máng rén mō xiàng Idiom...
Mang Ren Xia Ma A Blind Person Riding A Blind Horse
Mang Ren Xia Ma - A blind person riding a blind horse
Chinese Idiom: 盲人瞎马 (Mang Ren Xia Ma) English Translation: A blind person riding a blind horse pīn yīn: máng rén xiā...
Jia Qing Jiu Shu Drive A Light Cart On A Familiar Road
Jia Qing Jiu Shu - Drive a light cart on a familiar road
Chinese Idiom: 驾轻就熟 (Jia Qing Jiu Shu) English Translation: Drive a light cart on a familiar road pīn yīn: jià qīng jiù...
Hu Lang Zhi Guo A Country Of Tigers And Wolves
Hu Lang Zhi Guo - A country of tigers and wolves
Chinese Idiom: 虎狼之国 (Hu Lang Zhi Guo) English Translation: A country of tigers and wolves pīn yīn: hǔ láng zhī guó Idiom...
Bo Luan Fan Zheng Restore Order By Correcting Chaos
Bo Luan Fan Zheng - Restore order by correcting chaos
Chinese Idiom: 拨乱反正 (Bo Luan Fan Zheng) English Translation: Restore order by correcting chaos pīn yīn: bō luàn fǎn zhèng Idiom...
Jin Cheng Tang Chi Golden City And Boiling Moat
Jin Cheng Tang Chi - Golden city and boiling moat
Chinese Idiom: 金城汤池 (Jin Cheng Tang Chi) English Translation: Golden city and boiling moat pīn yīn: jīn chéng tāng chí Idiom...
Jin Shi Wei Kai Gold And Stone Can Be Opened
Jin Shi Wei Kai - Gold and stone can be opened
Chinese Idiom: 金石为开 (Jin Shi Wei Kai) English Translation: Gold and stone can be opened pīn yīn: jīn shí wéi kāi Idiom...
Jin Ge Tie Ma Golden Spears And Iron Horses
Jin Ge Tie Ma - Golden spears and iron horses
Chinese Idiom: 金戈铁马 (Jin Ge Tie Ma) English Translation: Golden spears and iron horses pīn yīn: jīn gē tiě mǎ Idiom...
Jin Cheng Qian Li A City Of Gold Stretching For A Thousand Miles
Jin Cheng Qian Li - A city of gold stretching for a thousand miles
Chinese Idiom: 金城千里 (Jin Cheng Qian Li) English Translation: A city of gold stretching for a thousand miles pīn yīn:...
Jin Yu Qi Wai Gold And Jade On The Outside
Jin Yu Qi Wai - Gold and jade on the outside
Chinese Idiom: 金玉其外 (Jin Yu Qi Wai) English Translation: Gold and jade on the outside pīn yīn: jīn yù qí wài Idiom...
Yan Yan Yi Xi Only A Faint Breath Remains
Yan Yan Yi Xi - Only a faint breath remains
Chinese Idiom: 奄奄一息 (Yan Yan Yi Xi) English Translation: Only a faint breath remains pīn yīn: yǎn yǎn yī xī Idiom Meaning:...
Jing Wei Fen Ming The Distinction Between Jing And Wei Is Clear
Jing Wei Fen Ming - The distinction between Jing and Wei is clear
Chinese Idiom: 泾渭分明 (Jing Wei Fen Ming) English Translation: The distinction between Jing and Wei is clear pīn yīn: jīng...
Tu Si Gou Peng When The Rabbit Dies, The Dog Is Cooked
Tu Si Gou Peng - When the rabbit dies, the dog is cooked
Chinese Idiom: 兔死狗烹 (Tu Si Gou Peng) English Translation: When the rabbit dies, the dog is cooked pīn yīn: tú sǐ gǒu...
Guo Shi Wu Shuang A National Hero Without Equal
Guo Shi Wu Shuang - A national hero without equal
Chinese Idiom: 国士无双 (Guo Shi Wu Shuang) English Translation: A national hero without equal pīn yīn: guó shì wú shuāng Idiom...
Ming Zhe Bao Shen Wise People Protect Themselves
Ming Zhe Bao Shen - Wise people protect themselves
Chinese Idiom: 明哲保身 (Ming Zhe Bao Shen) English Translation: Wise people protect themselves pīn yīn: míng zhé bǎo shēn Idiom...
Ming Mu Zhang Dan Openly And Boldly
Ming Mu Zhang Dan - Openly and boldly
Chinese Idiom: 明目张胆 (Ming Mu Zhang Dan) English Translation: Openly and boldly pīn yīn: míng mù zhāng dǎn Idiom Meaning:...
Shi Tong Er Xi Regard Something As If It Were A Child’s Play
Shi Tong Er Xi - Regard something as if it were a child’s play
Chinese Idiom: 视同儿戏 (Shi Tong Er Xi) English Translation: Regard something as if it were a child’s play pīn yīn: shì...
Shi Ruo Wu Du Regard Something As If It Were Not Seen
Shi Ruo Wu Du - Regard something as if it were not seen
Chinese Idiom: 视若无睹 (Shi Ruo Wu Du) English Translation: Regard something as if it were not seen pīn yīn: shì ruò wú...
Shi Si Ru Gui Regard Death As Going Home
Shi Si Ru Gui - Regard death as going home
Chinese Idiom: 视死如归 (Shi Si Ru Gui) English Translation: Regard death as going home pīn yīn: shì sǐ rú guī Idiom Meaning:...
Xin Xin Xiang Rong Thriving And Flourishing
Xin Xin Xiang Rong - Thriving and flourishing
Chinese Idiom: 欣欣向荣 (Xin Xin Xiang Rong) English Translation: Thriving and flourishing pīn yīn: xīn xīn xiàng róng Idiom...
Ke Zhou Qiu Jian Carve A Mark On The Boat To Seek A Sword
Ke Zhou Qiu Jian - Carve a mark on the boat to seek a sword
Chinese Idiom: 刻舟求剑 (Ke Zhou Qiu Jian) English Translation: Carve a mark on the boat to seek a sword pīn yīn: kè zhōu...
Mai Jian Mai Niu Sell The Sword And Buy An Ox
Mai Jian Mai Niu - Sell the sword and buy an ox
Chinese Idiom: 卖剑买牛 (Mai Jian Mai Niu) English Translation: Sell the sword and buy an ox pīn yīn: mài jiàn mǎi niú Idiom...
Shi Zhong Ru Yi Consistent From Beginning To End
Shi Zhong Ru Yi - Consistent from beginning to end
Chinese Idiom: 始终如一 (Shi Zhong Ru Yi) English Translation: Consistent from beginning to end pīn yīn: shǐ zhōng rú yī Idiom...
Pin Jian Zhi Jiao Friendship Formed In Poverty
Pin Jian Zhi Jiao - Friendship formed in poverty
Chinese Idiom: 贫贱之交 (Pin Jian Zhi Jiao) English Translation: Friendship formed in poverty pīn yīn: pín jiàn zhī jiāo Idiom...
Yu Yu Gua Huan Gloomy And Rarely Happy
Yu Yu Gua Huan - Gloomy and rarely happy
Chinese Idiom: 郁郁寡欢 (Yu Yu Gua Huan) English Translation: Gloomy and rarely happy pīn yīn: yù yù guǎ huān Idiom Meaning:...
Yang Yang Bu Le Feeling Gloomy And Unhappy
Yang Yang Bu Le - Feeling gloomy and unhappy
Chinese Idiom: 怏怏不乐 (Yang Yang Bu Le) English Translation: Feeling gloomy and unhappy pīn yīn: yàng yàng bù lè Idiom...
Bing Zhu Ye You Holding A Candle To Wander At Night
Bing Zhu Ye You - Holding a candle to wander at night
Chinese Idiom: 秉烛夜游 (Bing Zhu Ye You) English Translation: Holding a candle to wander at night pīn yīn: bǐng zhú yè yóu Idiom...
Wu Yi Lei Ju Things Of The Same Kind Come Together
Wu Yi Lei Ju - Things of the same kind come together
Chinese Idiom: 物以类聚 (Wu Yi Lei Ju) English Translation: Things of the same kind come together pīn yīn: wù yǐ lèi jù Idiom...
Wu Huan Xing Yi Things Change And Stars Shift
Wu Huan Xing Yi - Things change and stars shift
Chinese Idiom: 物换星移 (Wu Huan Xing Yi) English Translation: Things change and stars shift pīn yīn: wù huàn xīng yí Idiom...
Wan Huo Zi Fen Play With Fire And End Up Burning Oneself
Wan Huo Zi Fen - Play with fire and end up burning oneself
Chinese Idiom: 玩火自焚 (Wan Huo Zi Fen) English Translation: Play with fire and end up burning oneself pīn yīn: wán huǒ...
Zhao Yao Guo Shi Flaunt Oneself While Passing Through The Market
Zhao Yao Guo Shi - Flaunt oneself while passing through the market
Chinese Idiom: 招摇过市 (Zhao Yao Guo Shi) English Translation: Flaunt oneself while passing through the market pīn yīn:...
Meng Mu San Qian Meng's Mother Moved Three Times
Meng Mu San Qian - Meng's mother moved three times
Chinese Idiom: 孟母三迁 (Meng Mu San Qian) English Translation: Meng’s mother moved three times pīn yīn: mèng mǔ sān...
Feng Gong Shou Fa Uphold Public Duty And Observe The Law
Feng Gong Shou Fa - Uphold Public Duty and Observe the Law
Chinese Idiom: 奉公守法 (Feng Gong Shou Fa) English Translation: Uphold Public Duty and Observe the Law pīn yīn: fèng gōng...
Suo Xiang Wu Qian Unstoppable Wherever One Goes
Suo Xiang Wu Qian - Unstoppable wherever one goes
Chinese Idiom: 所向无前 (Suo Xiang Wu Qian) English Translation: Unstoppable wherever one goes pīn yīn: suǒ xiàng wú qián Idiom...
Suo Xiang Wu Di Invincible Everywhere
Suo Xiang Wu Di - Invincible Everywhere
Chinese Idiom: 所向无敌 (Suo Xiang Wu Di) English Translation: Invincible Everywhere pīn yīn: suǒ xiàng wú dí Idiom Meaning:...
Pi Jing Zhan Ji Clearing Away Thorns And Brambles
Pi Jing Zhan Ji - Clearing away thorns and brambles
Chinese Idiom: 披荆斩棘 (Pi Jing Zhan Ji) English Translation: Clearing away thorns and brambles pīn yīn: pī jīng zhǎn jí Idiom...
Bao Xin Jiu Huo Holding Firewood To Extinguish A Fire
Bao Xin Jiu Huo - Holding firewood to extinguish a fire
Chinese Idiom: 抱薪救火 (Bao Xin Jiu Huo) English Translation: Adding Fuel to the Fire pīn yīn: bào xīn jiù huǒ Idiom Meaning:...
Bao Can Shou Que Clinging To The Old And Incomplete
Bao Can Shou Que - Clinging to the Old and Incomplete
Chinese Idiom: 抱残守缺 (Bao Can Shou Que) English Translation: Clinging to the Old and Incomplete pīn yīn: bào cán shǒu...
Bao Bu Mao Si Embracing Cloth To Trade For Silk
Bao Bu Mao Si - Embracing Cloth to Trade for Silk
Chinese Idiom: 抱布贸丝 (Bao Bu Mao Si) English Translation: Embracing Cloth to Trade for Silk pīn yīn: bào bù mào sī Idiom...
Bei Gong She Ying A Bow's Shadow Resembles A Snake
Bei Gong She Ying - A Bow's Shadow Resembles a Snake
Chinese Idiom: 杯弓蛇影 (Bei Gong She Ying) English Translation: A Bow’s Shadow Resembles a Snake pīn yīn: bēi gōng...
Bei Shui Che Qin A Cup Of Water For A Load Of Firewood
Bei Shui Che Qin - A Cup of Water for a Load of Firewood
Chinese Idiom: 杯水车薪 (Bei Shui Che Qin) English Translation: A Cup of Water for a Load of Firewood pīn yīn: bēi shuǐ chē...
Zhi Guo Bi Gai Must Correct When Aware Of Faults
Zhi Guo Bi Gai - Must Correct When Aware of Faults
Chinese Idiom: 知过必改 (Zhi Guo Bi Gai) English Translation: Must Correct When Aware of Faults pīn yīn: zhī guò bì gǎi Idiom...
Sang Jia Zhi Gou A Dog Of A Deceased Family
Sang Jia Zhi Gou - A Dog of a Deceased Family
Chinese Idiom: 丧家之狗 (Sang Jia Zhi Gou) English Translation: A Dog of a Deceased Family pīn yīn: sàng jiā zhī gǒu Idiom...
Qi Wen Gong Shang Appreciating Remarkable Texts Together
Qi Wen Gong Shang - Appreciating Remarkable Texts Together
Chinese Idiom: 奇文共赏 (Qi Wen Gong Shang) English Translation: Appreciating Remarkable Texts Together pīn yīn: qí wén gòng...
Qi Ti Ru Yu Weeping Like Rain
Qi Ti Ru Yu - Weeping Like Rain
Chinese Idiom: 泣涕如雨 (Qi Ti Ru Yu) English Translation: Weeping Like Rain pīn yīn: qì tì rú yǔ Idiom Meaning: This expression...
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