Chinese Idioms about People
Chinese Idiom: 滥竽充数 (Lan Yu Chong Shu)English Translation: Fake Musicians Filling the Rankspīn yīn: làn yú chōng shùIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 雷厉风行 (Lei Li Feng Xing)English Translation: Thunderous and Swift Actionpīn yīn: léi lì fēng xíngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 满园春色 (Man Yuan Chun Se)English Translation: The Garden is Full of Spring Colorspīn yīn: mǎn yuán chūn...
Chinese Idiom: 欺世盗名 (Qi Shi Dao Ming)English Translation: Deceive the World and Steal Reputationpīn yīn: qī shì dào...
Chinese Idiom: 悲歌慷慨 (Bei Ge Kang Kai)English Translation: Sorrowful Songs, Generous Spiritpīn yīn: bēi gē kāng kǎiIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 惴惴不安 (Zhui Zhui Bu An)English Translation: Anxiously Uneasypīn yīn: zhuì zhuì bù ānIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 温良恭俭让 (Wen Liang Gong Jian Rang)English Translation: Gentle, Good, Respectful, Frugal, and Yieldingpīn...
Chinese Idiom: 凿壁偷光 (Zao Bi Tou Guang)English Translation: Bore a hole in the wall to steal lightpīn yīn: záo bì tōu...
Chinese Idiom: 善始善终 (Shan Shi Shan Zhong)English Translation: Well begun, well donepīn yīn: shàn shǐ shàn zhōngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 馋涎欲滴 (Chan Xian Yu Di)English Translation: Drooling with desirepīn yīn: chán xián yù dīIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 温情脉脉 (Wen Qing Mo Mo)English Translation: Warm feelings flowing silentlypīn yīn: wēn qíng mò mòIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 啼笑皆非 (Ti Xiao Jie Fei)English Translation: Crying and laughing both are inappropriatepīn yīn: tí xiào...
Chinese Idiom: 博而不精 (Bo Er Bu Jing)English Translation: Broad but not profoundpīn yīn: bó ér bù jīngIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 敢怒而不敢言 (Gan Nu Er Bu Gan Yan)English Translation: Dare to be angry but not dare to speakpīn yīn: gǎn...
Chinese Idiom: 梁上君子 (Liang Shang Jun Zi)English Translation: Gentleman on the Beampīn yīn: liáng shàng jūn zǐIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 脱颖而出 (Tuo Ying Er Chu)English Translation: Emerge from the tip of a sharp pointpīn yīn: tuō yǐng ér...
Chinese Idiom: 得意忘形 (De Yi Wang Xing)English Translation: Delight causes forgetfulness of formpīn yīn: dé yì wàng xíngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 得过且过 (De Guo Qie Guo)English Translation: Get by as it goespīn yīn: dé guò qiě guòIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 得意扬扬 (De Yi Yang Yang)English Translation: In high spirits and proudpīn yīn: dé yì yáng yángIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 深谋远虑 (Shen Mou Yuan Lv)English Translation: Deep planning and far-reaching considerationpīn yīn: shēn...
Chinese Idiom: 脚踏实地 (Jiao Ta Shi Di)English Translation: Feet on solid groundpīn yīn: jiǎo tà shí dìIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 推心置腹 (Tui Xin Zhi Fu)English Translation: tuī xīn zhì fùpīn yīn: tuī xīn zhì fùIdiom Meaning: To...
Chinese Idiom: 盖世之才 (Gai Shi Zhi Cai)English Translation: Talent that surpasses the worldpīn yīn: gài shì zhī cáiIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 虚有其表 (Xu You Qi Biao)English Translation: Has an Attractive Appearance, but Lacks Substancepīn yīn:...
Chinese Idiom: 唯命是听 (Wei Ming Shi Ting)English Translation: Obey commands unconditionallypīn yīn: wéi mìng shì tīngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 唯利是图 (Wei Li Shi Tu)English Translation: Only profit is soughtpīn yīn: wéi lì shì túIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 假仁假义 (Jia Ren Jia Yi)English Translation: False benevolence and false righteousnesspīn yīn: jiǎ rén...
Chinese Idiom: 惊弓之鸟 (Jing Gong Zhi Niao)English Translation: A bird startled by the sound of a bowstringpīn yīn: jīng...
Chinese Idiom: 萎靡不振 (Wei Mi Bu Zhen)English Translation: Withered and listlesspīn yīn: wěi mí bù zhènIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 趾高气扬 (Zhi Gao Qi Yang)English Translation: Walking with one’s head held highpīn yīn: zhǐ gāo qì yángIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 萍水相逢 (Ping Shui Xiang Feng)English Translation: Meeting by Chance Like Floating Duckweedpīn yīn: píng...
Chinese Idiom: 绰约多姿 (Graceful and charming)English Translation: Graceful and charmingpīn yīn: chuò yuē duō zīIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 清风两袖 (Qing Feng Liang Xiu)English Translation: Two sleeves of clear windpīn yīn: qīng fēng liǎng xiùIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 请君莫奏前朝曲 (Qing Jun Mo Zou Qian Chao Qu)English Translation: Please do not play the tunes of the previous...
Chinese Idiom: 读书破万卷,下笔如有神 (Du Shu Po Wan Juan, Xia Bi Ru You Shen)English Translation: Having read ten thousand volumes,...
Chinese Idiom: 害群之马 (Hai Qun Zhi Ma)English Translation: A horse that harms the herdpīn yīn: hài qún zhī mǎIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 胸有成竹 (Xiong You Cheng Zhu)English Translation: Having a bamboo forest in one’s heartpīn yīn: xiōng yǒu...
Chinese Idiom: 离群索居 (Li Qun Suo Ju)English Translation: Living in solitude away from the grouppīn yīn: lí qún suǒ jūIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 悔过自新 (Hui Guo Zi Xin)English Translation: Repent and start anewpīn yīn: huǐ guò zì xīnIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 破镜重圆 (Po Jing Chong Yuan)English Translation: A broken mirror rejoinedpīn yīn: pò jìng chòng yuánIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 挺身而出 (Ting Shen Er Chu)English Translation: Stand out and take actionpīn yīn: tǐng shēn ér chūIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 难兄难弟 (Nan Xiong Nan Di)English Translation: Difficult brotherspīn yīn: nán xiōng nán dìIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 袖手旁观 (Xiu Shou Pang Guan)English Translation: Stand by with hands in one’s sleevespīn yīn: xiù...
Chinese Idiom: 倒行逆施 (Dao Xing Ni Shi)English Translation: Acting in reverse and doing things contrary to reasonpīn...
Chinese Idiom: 胶柱鼓瑟 (Jiao Zhu Gu Se)English Translation: Glue the tuning pegs of the zitherpīn yīn: jiāo zhù gǔ sèIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 俯首帖耳 (Fu Shou Tie Er)English Translation: Bowing the head and drooping the earspīn yīn: fǔ shǒu tiē...
Chinese Idiom: 旁若无人 (Pang Ruo Wu Ren)English Translation: As if there were no one aroundpīn yīn: páng ruò wú rénIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 素琴无弦 (Su Qin Wu Xian)English Translation: A guqin without stringspīn yīn: sù qín wú xiánIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 病入膏育 (Bing Ru Gao Huang)English Translation: Illness has entered the vital organspīn yīn: bìng rù gāo...
Chinese Idiom: 顾曲周郎 (Gu Qu Zhou Lang)English Translation: The attentive listener, Zhou Langpīn yīn: gù qǔ zhōu lángIdiom...
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