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Zhi Lu Wei Ma Pointing At A Deer And Calling It A Horse
Zhi Lu Wei Ma - Pointing at a Deer and Calling It a Horse
Chinese Idiom: 指鹿为马 (Zhi Lu Wei Ma) English Translation: Pointing at a Deer and Calling It a Horse pīn yīn: zhǐ lù wéi mǎ...
Jiao She Yin Yi Arrogance, Extravagance, And Debauchery
Jiao She Yin Yi - Arrogance, Extravagance, and Debauchery
Chinese Idiom: 骄奢淫逸 (Jiao She Yin Yi) English Translation: Arrogance, Extravagance, and Debauchery pīn yīn: jiāo shē yín...
Jiao Bing Bi Bai Arrogant Troops Are Sure To Be Defeated
Jiao Bing Bi Bai - Arrogant Troops Are Sure to Be Defeated
Chinese Idiom: 骄兵必败 (Jiao Bing Bi Bai) English Translation: Arrogant Troops Are Sure to Be Defeated pīn yīn: jiāo bīng bì...
Tui Bi San She Withdraw Three Stages
Tui Bi San She - Withdraw Three Stages
Chinese Idiom: 退避三舍 (Tui Bi San She) English Translation: Withdraw Three Stages pīn yīn: tuì bì sān shè Idiom Meaning: Originally...
Tui Si Bu Guo Retreat And Reflect To Amend Mistakes
Tui Si Bu Guo - Retreat and Reflect to Amend Mistakes
Chinese Idiom: 退思补过 (Tui Si Bu Guo) English Translation: Retreat and Reflect to Amend Mistakes pīn yīn: tuì sī bǔ guò Idiom...
Ku Mu Xiu Zhu Withered Wood And Decayed Stump
Ku Mu Xiu Zhu - Withered Wood and Decayed Stump
Chinese Idiom: 枯木朽株 (Ku Mu Xiu Zhu) English Translation: Withered Wood and Decayed Stump pīn yīn: kù mù xiǔ zhū Idiom Meaning:...
Yuan Sheng Zai Dao Complaints Fill The Roads
Yuan Sheng Zai Dao - Complaints fill the roads
Chinese Idiom: 怨声载道 (Yuan Sheng Zai Dao) English Translation: Complaints fill the roads pīn yīn: yuàn shēng zài dào Idiom...
Liu An Hua Ming Dark Willows And Bright Flowers
Liu An Hua Ming - Dark willows and bright flowers
Chinese Idiom: 柳暗花明 (Liu An Hua Ming) English Translation: Dark willows and bright flowers pīn yīn: liǔ àn huā míng Idiom...
Tao Zhi Yao Yao Escape Swiftly And Gracefully
Tao Zhi Yao Yao - Escape swiftly and gracefully
Chinese Idiom: 逃之夭夭 (Tao Zhi Yao Yao) English Translation: Escape swiftly and gracefully pīn yīn: táo zhī yāo yāo Idiom Meaning:...
Jie Bu Jie Yuan A Bond That Cannot Be Untied
Jie Bu Jie Yuan - A bond that cannot be untied
Chinese Idiom: 结不解缘 (Jie Bu Jie Yuan) English Translation: A bond that cannot be untied pīn yīn: jié bù jiě yuán Idiom Meaning:...
Jie Cao Xian Huan Tie Grass And Carry A Ring In The Beak
Jie Cao Xian Huan - Tie grass and carry a ring in the beak
Chinese Idiom: 结草衔环 (Jie Cao Xian Huan) English Translation: Tie grass and carry a ring in the beak pīn yīn: jié cǎo xián...
Xia Lu Xiang Feng Narrow Road Encounter
Xia Lu Xiang Feng - Narrow road encounter
Chinese Idiom: 狭路相逢 (Xia Lu Xiang Feng) English Translation: Narrow road encounter pīn yīn: xiá lù xiāng féng Idiom Meaning:...
Qian Yi Fa Er Dong Quan Shen Pull One Hair And Move The Whole Body
Qian Yi Fa Er Dong Quan Shen - Pull one hair and move the whole body
Chinese Idiom: 牵一发而动全身 (Qian Yi Fa Er Dong Quan Shen) English Translation: Pull one hair and move the whole body pīn yīn:...
Jiang Xin Jiang Yi Half Believe, Half Doubt
Jiang Xin Jiang Yi - Half believe, half doubt
Chinese Idiom: 将信将疑 (Jiang Xin Jiang Yi) English Translation: Half believe, half doubt pīn yīn: jiāng xìn jiāng yí Idiom...
Jiao Tu San Ku A Cunning Rabbit Has Three Burrows
Jiao Tu San Ku - A cunning rabbit has three burrows
Chinese Idiom: 狡兔三窟 (Jiao Tu San Ku) English Translation: A cunning rabbit has three burrows pīn yīn: jiǎo tù sān kū Idiom...
Dong Jian Zheng Jie See Through The Crux Of A Problem
Dong Jian Zheng Jie - See through the crux of a problem
Chinese Idiom: 洞见症结 (Dong Jian Zheng Jie) English Translation: See through the crux of a problem pīn yīn: dòng jiàn zhèng...
Shi Gu Fei Jin Favor The Ancient And Reject The Present
Shi Gu Fei Jin - Favor the ancient and reject the present
Chinese Idiom: 是古非今 (Shi Gu Fei Jin) English Translation: Favor the ancient and reject the present pīn yīn: shì gǔ fēi jīn...
Bei Shui Yi Zhan Fight With One's Back To The River
Bei Shui Yi Zhan - Fight with one's back to the river
Chinese Idiom: 背水一战 (Bei Shui Yi Zhan) English Translation: Fight with one’s back to the river pīn yīn: bèi shuǐ yī...
Cao Chuang Wei Jiu Still In The Early Stages Of Creation
Cao Chuang Wei Jiu - Still in the early stages of creation
Chinese Idiom: 草创未就 (Cao Chuang Wei Jiu) English Translation: Still in the early stages of creation pīn yīn: cǎo chuàng wèi...
Cao Mu Jie Bing Every Tree And Bush Is An Enemy Soldier
Cao Mu Jie Bing - Every tree and bush is an enemy soldier
Chinese Idiom: 草木皆兵 (Cao Mu Jie Bing) English Translation: Every tree and bush is an enemy soldier pīn yīn: cǎo mù jiē bīng...
Qiu Hao Wu Fan No Harm Done Even To The Finest Hairs
Qiu Hao Wu Fan - No harm done even to the finest hairs
Chinese Idiom: 秋毫无犯 (Qiu Hao Wu Fan) English Translation: No harm done even to the finest hairs pīn yīn: qiū háo wú fàn Idiom...
Qiu Feng Guo Er Autumn Wind Passing By The Ear
Qiu Feng Guo Er - Autumn wind passing by the ear
Chinese Idiom: 秋风过耳 (Qiu Feng Guo Er) English Translation: Autumn wind passing by the ear pīn yīn: qiū fēng guò ěr Idiom...
Qiu Yue Chun Feng Autumn Moon And Spring Breeze
Qiu Yue Chun Feng - Autumn moon and spring breeze
Chinese Idiom: 秋月春风 (Qiu Yue Chun Feng) English Translation: Autumn moon and spring breeze pīn yīn: qiū yuè chūn fēng Idiom...
Chun Qiu Wu Yi Zhan No Just Wars In The Spring And Autumn Period
Chun Qiu Wu Yi Zhan - No just wars in the Spring and Autumn period
Chinese Idiom: 春秋无义战 (Chun Qiu Wu Yi Zhan) English Translation: No just wars in the Spring and Autumn period pīn yīn: chūn...
Chun Meng Wu Hen Spring Dreams Leave No Trace
Chun Meng Wu Hen - Spring dreams leave no trace
Chinese Idiom: 春梦无痕 (Chun Meng Wu Hen) English Translation: Spring dreams leave no trace pīn yīn: chūn mèng wú hén Idiom...
Chun Feng Song Nuan Spring Breeze Brings Warmth
Chun Feng Song Nuan - Spring breeze brings warmth
Chinese Idiom: 春风送暖 (Chun Feng Song Nuan) English Translation: Spring breeze brings warmth pīn yīn: chūn fēng sòng nuǎn Idiom...
Shou Shu Liang Duan Hesitating Like A Rat At Both Ends
Shou Shu Liang Duan - Hesitating like a rat at both ends
Chinese Idiom: 首鼠两端 (Shou Shu Liang Duan) English Translation: Hesitating like a rat at both ends pīn yīn: shǒu shǔ liǎng...
Chun Feng De Yi In The Spring Breeze, One Feels Accomplished
Chun Feng De Yi - In the spring breeze, one feels accomplished
Chinese Idiom: 春风得意 (Chun Feng De Yi) English Translation: In the spring breeze, one feels accomplished pīn yīn: chūn fēng...
Shi Niu Zhi Qi The Spirit Of One Who Can Eat An Ox
Shi Niu Zhi Qi - The spirit of one who can eat an ox
Chinese Idiom: 食牛之气 (Shi Niu Zhi Qi) English Translation: The spirit of one who can eat an ox pīn yīn: shí niú zhī qì Idiom...
Shi Bu Gan Wei Eating Without Enjoyment
Shi Bu Gan Wei - Eating without enjoyment
Chinese Idiom: 食不甘味 (Shi Bu Gan Wei) English Translation: Eating without enjoyment pīn yīn: shí bù gān wèi Idiom Meaning:...
Shi Yan Er Fei Grow Fat On Broken Promises
Shi Yan Er Fei - Grow fat on broken promises
Chinese Idiom: 食言而肥 (Shi Yan Er Fei) English Translation: Grow fat on broken promises pīn yīn: shí yán ér féi Idiom Meaning:...
Qian Che Ke Jian The Overturned Vehicle Ahead Serves As A Warning
Qian Che Ke Jian - The overturned vehicle ahead serves as a warning
Chinese Idiom: 前车可鉴 (Qian Che Ke Jian) English Translation: The overturned vehicle ahead serves as a warning pīn yīn: qián...
Xin Shi Dan Dan Solemnly Vow
Xin Shi Dan Dan - Solemnly vow
Chinese Idiom: 信誓旦旦 (Xin Shi Dan Dan) English Translation: Solemnly vow pīn yīn: xìn shì dàn dàn Idiom Meaning: This idiom...
Qian Wu Gu Ren No Predecessors
Qian Wu Gu Ren - No predecessors
Chinese Idiom: 前无古人 (Qian Wu Gu Ren) English Translation: No predecessors pīn yīn: qián wú gǔ rén Idiom Meaning: This idiom...
Qian Gong Jin Qi All Previous Achievements Are In Vain
Qian Gong Jin Qi - All previous achievements are in vain
Chinese Idiom: 前功尽弃 (Qian Gong Jin Qi) English Translation: All previous achievements are in vain pīn yīn: qián gōng jìn...
Xue Zu Shi Lu Cutting Off One's Foot To Fit The Shoe
Xue Zu Shi Lu - Cutting off one's foot to fit the shoe
Chinese Idiom: 削足适履 (Xue Zu Shi Lu) English Translation: Cutting off one’s foot to fit the shoe pīn yīn: xuē zú shì...
Lin Shen Lu Bo On The Brink Of A Deep Abyss, Treading On Thin Ice
Lin Shen Lu Bo - On the brink of a deep abyss, treading on thin ice
Chinese Idiom: 临深履薄 (Lin Shen Lu Bo) English Translation: On the brink of a deep abyss, treading on thin ice pīn yīn: lín...
Zhi Chi Qian Li Close Enough To Touch, Yet A Thousand Miles Apart
Zhi Chi Qian Li - Close enough to touch, yet a thousand miles apart
Chinese Idiom: 咫尺千里 (Zhi Chi Qian Li) English Translation: Close enough to touch, yet a thousand miles apart pīn yīn: zhǐ...
Hou Yan Wu Chi Shameless And Brazen
Hou Yan Wu Chi - Shameless and brazen
Chinese Idiom: 厚颜无耻 (Hou Yan Wu Chi) English Translation: Shameless and brazen pīn yīn: hòu yán wú chǐ Idiom Meaning: This...
Xiang De Yi Zhang Mutually Beneficial And Highlighting Each Other's Strengths
Xiang De Yi Zhang - Mutually beneficial and highlighting each other's strengths
Chinese Idiom: 相得益彰 (Xiang De Yi Zhang) English Translation: Mutually beneficial and highlighting each other’s strengths...
Xiang Jian Tai Ji Too Eager To Harm One Another
Xiang Jian Tai Ji - Too eager to harm one another
Chinese Idiom: 相煎太急 (Xiang Jian Tai Ji) English Translation: Too eager to harm one another pīn yīn: xiāng jiān tài jí Idiom...
Nu Fa Chong Guan Hair Standing On End, Pushing The Hat Off
Nu Fa Chong Guan - Hair standing on end, pushing the hat off
Chinese Idiom: 怒发冲冠 (Nu Fa Chong Guan) English Translation: Hair standing on end, pushing the hat off pīn yīn: nù fà chōng...
Qing Yun Zhi Shang Rising Straight To The Blue Clouds
Qing Yun Zhi Shang - Rising straight to the blue clouds
Chinese Idiom: 青云直上 (Qing Yun Zhi Shang) English Translation: Rising straight to the blue clouds pīn yīn: qīng yún zhí shàng...
Qing Chu Yu Lan Blue Comes From Indigo
Qing Chu Yu Lan - Blue comes from indigo
Chinese Idiom: 青出于蓝 (Qing Chu Yu Lan) English Translation: Blue comes from indigo pīn yīn: qīng chū yú lán Idiom Meaning:...
Qing Tian Bai Yun Blue Sky And White Clouds
Qing Tian Bai Yun - Blue sky and white clouds
Chinese Idiom: 青天白云 (Qing Tian Bai Yun) English Translation: Blue sky and white clouds pīn yīn: qīng tiān bái yún Idiom Meaning:...
Qu Chang Bu Duan Take Strengths And Compensate For Weaknesses
Qu Chang Bu Duan - Take strengths and compensate for weaknesses
Chinese Idiom: 取长补短 (Qu Chang Bu Duan) English Translation: Take strengths and compensate for weaknesses pīn yīn: qǔ cháng...
Qu Er Dai Zhi Take His Place
Qu Er Dai Zhi - Take his place
Chinese Idiom: 取而代之 (Qu Er Dai Zhi) English Translation: Take his place pīn yīn: qǔ ér dài zhī Idiom Meaning: This idiom...
Ying Zi Sa Shuang Dashing And Spirited Appearance
Ying Zi Sa Shuang - Dashing and spirited appearance
Chinese Idiom: 英姿飒爽 (Ying Zi Sa Shuang) English Translation: Dashing and spirited appearance pīn yīn: yīng zī sà shuǎng Idiom...
Suo Xiang Pi Mi Wherever One Goes, All Obstacles Fall Away
Suo Xiang Pi Mi - Wherever one goes, all obstacles fall away
Chinese Idiom: 所向披靡 (Suo Xiang Pi Mi) English Translation: Wherever one goes, all obstacles fall away pīn yīn: suǒ xiàng...
Kong Qian Jue Hou Unprecedented And Unrepeatable
Kong Qian Jue Hou - Unprecedented and unrepeatable
Chinese Idiom: 空前绝后 (Kong Qian Jue Hou) English Translation: Unprecedented and unrepeatable pīn yīn: kōng qián jué hòu Idiom...
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