Chinese Idiom Story
Delve into Chinese Culture
Chinese Idiom: 抱残守缺 (Bao Can Shou Que)English Translation: Clinging to the Old and Incompletepīn yīn: bào cán shǒu...
Chinese Idiom: 抱布贸丝 (Bao Bu Mao Si)English Translation: Embracing Cloth to Trade for Silkpīn yīn: bào bù mào sīIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 杯弓蛇影 (Bei Gong She Ying)English Translation: A Bow’s Shadow Resembles a Snakepīn yīn: bēi gōng...
Chinese Idiom: 杯水车薪 (Bei Shui Che Qin)English Translation: A Cup of Water for a Load of Firewoodpīn yīn: bēi shuǐ chē...
Chinese Idiom: 知过必改 (Zhi Guo Bi Gai)English Translation: Must Correct When Aware of Faultspīn yīn: zhī guò bì gǎiIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 丧家之狗 (Sang Jia Zhi Gou)English Translation: A Dog of a Deceased Familypīn yīn: sàng jiā zhī gǒuIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 奇文共赏 (Qi Wen Gong Shang)English Translation: Appreciating Remarkable Texts Togetherpīn yīn: qí wén gòng...
Chinese Idiom: 泣涕如雨 (Qi Ti Ru Yu)English Translation: Weeping Like Rainpīn yīn: qì tì rú yǔIdiom Meaning: This expression...
Chinese Idiom: 奋不顾身 (Fen Bu Gu Shen)English Translation: Rushing Forward Without Concern for Oneselfpīn yīn: fèn bù...
Chinese Idiom: 孤芳自赏 (Gu Fang Zi Shang)English Translation: Self-Appreciation in Solitudepīn yīn: gū fāng zì shǎngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 孤注一掷 (Gu Zhu Yi Zhi)English Translation: Place all bets in a single throwpīn yīn: gū zhù yī zhìIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 卷土重来 (Juan Tu Chong Lai)English Translation: Rolling Back with a Vengeancepīn yīn: juǎn tǔ zhòng láiIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 侧目而视 (Ce Mu Er Shi)English Translation: Look with a sideways glancepīn yīn: cè mù ér shìIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 狐假虎威 (Hu Jia Hu Wei)English Translation: The fox borrows the authority of the tigerpīn yīn: hú jiǎ hǔ...
Chinese Idiom: 河东狮吼 (He Dong Shi Hou)English Translation: The roar of the lion from the East Riverpīn yīn: hé dōng...
Chinese Idiom: 夜以继日 (Ye Yi Ji Ri)English Translation: Night following daypīn yīn: yè yǐ jì rìIdiom Meaning: This...
Chinese Idiom: 夜郎自大 (Ye Lang Zi Da)English Translation: Night Lang is arrogantpīn yīn: yè láng zì dàIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 虎踞龙蟠 (Hu Ju Long Pan)English Translation: Tiger crouches, dragon coilspīn yīn: hǔ jù lóng pánIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 始终不渝 (Shi Zhong Bu Yu)English Translation: Unwavering from beginning to endpīn yīn: shǐ zhōng bù yúIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 画龙点睛 (Hua Long Dian Jing)English Translation: Drawing a dragon and dotting its eyespīn yīn: huà lóng...
Chinese Idiom: 画饼充饥 (Hua Bing Chong Ji)English Translation: Drawing a cake to satisfy hungerpīn yīn: huà bǐng chōng...
Chinese Idiom: 画蛇添足 (Hua She Tian Zu)English Translation: Adding feet to a snakepīn yīn: huà shé tiān zúIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 画中有诗 (Hua Zhong You Shi)English Translation: Poetry within the paintingpīn yīn: huà zhōng yǒu shīIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 拔苗助长 (Ba Miao Zhu Zhang)English Translation: Pulling up seedlings to help them growpīn yīn: bá miáo...
Chinese Idiom: 拔山扛鼎 (Ba Shan Kang Ding)English Translation: To lift mountains and carry tripodspīn yīn: bá shān káng...
Chinese Idiom: 庐山真面目 (Lu Shan Zhen Mian Mu)English Translation: The true face of Mount Lupīn yīn: lú shān zhēn miàn...
Chinese Idiom: 沉鱼落雁 (Chen Yu Luo Yan)English Translation: Fish Sink and Wild Geese Fallpīn yīn: chén yú luò yànIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 迎刃而解 (Yin Ren Er Jie)English Translation: Resolve issues as smoothly as a knife cutting through bamboopīn...
Chinese Idiom: 纵虎归山 (Zong Hu Gui Shan)English Translation: Letting the tiger return to the mountainpīn yīn: zòng hǔ...
Chinese Idiom: 赤膊上阵 (Chi Bo Shang Zhen)English Translation: Bare-chested in battlepīn yīn: chì bó shàng zhènIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 纸上谈兵 (Zhi Shang Tan Bing)English Translation: Talk of war on paperpīn yīn: zhǐ shàng tán bīngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 运筹帷幄 (Yun Chou Wei Wo)English Translation: Strategizing in the tentpīn yīn: yùn chóu wéi wòIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 扶摇直上 (Fu Yao Zhi Shang)English Translation: Soaring straight up like a whirlwindpīn yīn: fú yáo zhí...
Chinese Idiom: 抛砖引玉 (Pao Zhuang Yin Yu)English Translation: Throwing a brick to attract jadepīn yīn: pāo zhuān yǐn...
Chinese Idiom: 邯郸学步 (Han Dan Xue Bu)English Translation: Learning to walk in Handanpīn yīn: hán dān xué bùIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 每况愈下 (Mei Kuang Yu Xia)English Translation: The situation worsens progressivelypīn yīn: měi kuàng yù...
Chinese Idiom: 完璧归赵 (Wan Bi Gui Zhao)English Translation: Returning the perfect jade to Zhaopīn yīn: wán bì guī zhàoIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 作舍道边 (Zuo She Dao Bian)English Translation: Building a house by the roadsidepīn yīn: zuò shè dào biānIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 沧海一粟 (Cang Hai Yi Su)English Translation: A grain in the vast oceanpīn yīn: cāng hǎi yī sùIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 远交近攻 (Yuan Jiao Jin Gong)English Translation: Form alliances with distant states and attack nearby onespīn...
Chinese Idiom: 克己奉公 (Ke Ji Feng Gong)English Translation: Self-restraint for the public goodpīn yīn: kè jǐ fèng gōngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 克勤克俭 (Ke Qin Ke Jian)English Translation: Diligent and frugalpīn yīn: kè qín kè jiǎnIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 初出茅庐 (Chu Chu Mao Lu)English Translation: Just emerged from the thatched cottagepīn yīn: chū chū máo...
Chinese Idiom: 劳苦功高 (Lao Ku Gong Gao)English Translation: Endured hardships and achieved great meritpīn yīn: láo kǔ...
Chinese Idiom: 我行我素 (Wo Xing Wo Su)English Translation: I Follow My Own Waypīn yīn: wǒ xíng wǒ sùIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 困兽犹斗 (Kun Shou You Dou)English Translation: A Cornered Beast Will Still Fightpīn yīn: kùn shòu yóu dòuIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 声东击西 (Sheng Dong Ji Xi)English Translation: Feinting East, Attacking Westpīn yīn: shēng dōng jī xīIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 声名狼藉 (Sheng Ming Lang Ji)English Translation: Reputation in ruinspīn yīn: shēng míng láng jíIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 弄巧成拙 (Nong Qiao Cheng Zhuo)English Translation: Trying to be clever results in clumsinesspīn yīn: nòng...
Chinese Idiom: 拒谏饰非 (Ju Jian Shi Fei)English Translation: Rejecting Advice and Covering Up Mistakespīn yīn: jù jiàn...
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