Chinese Idiom: 克勤克俭 (Ke Qin Ke Jian)
English Translation: Diligent and frugal
pīn yīn: kè qín kè jiǎn
Idiom Meaning: This idiom describes someone who is both hardworking and thrifty.
Historical Source: Book of Documents (《尚书·大禹谟》).
Idiom Story:
Around four to five thousand years ago, the Yellow River basin was plagued by devastating floods that threatened the lives of the people. At that time, Shun (舜), the leader of a tribal alliance, assigned Da Yu (大禹) the task of controlling the floodwaters. Da Yu had just recently married, but without hesitation, he left his new home to alleviate the suffering of the people. For thirteen long years, he worked tirelessly, leading the tribes to dredge rivers and divert waters toward the sea.
Remarkably, during this arduous endeavor, Da Yu passed by his own home three times but never stopped to visit, remaining focused on his mission to conquer the flood. His dedication eventually paid off, and he successfully managed to control the floods.
Impressed by Da Yu’s exceptional virtue and talent, Shun intended to appoint him as his successor. However, Da Yu humbly declined the offer. Shun then earnestly stated, “You are indeed virtuous, able to be diligent in governing the country and frugal in managing your household.” This phrase underscored Da Yu’s admirable qualities of hard work and thriftiness, suggesting he was well-suited for leadership.
From this story, the phrase “克勤于邦,克俭于家” was later condensed into the idiom “克勤克俭,” which emphasizes the values of diligence and frugality. Today, it serves as a moral guideline, encouraging individuals to work hard and live simply.