Chinese Idiom Story
Delve into Chinese Culture
Chinese Idiom: 晨钟暮鼓 (Chen Zhong Mu Gu) English Translation: Morning bell and evening drum pīn yīn: chén zhōng mù gǔ Idiom...
Chinese Idiom: 崇山峻岭 (Chong Shan Jun Ling) English Translation: Lofty and steep mountains and ridges pīn yīn: chóng shān jùn...
Chinese Idiom: 剪烛西窗 (Jian Zhu Xi Chuang) English Translation: Cutting the candle at the western window pīn yīn: jiǎn zhú...
Chinese Idiom: 惊天动地 (Jing Tian Dong Di) English Translation: Shocking the heavens and moving the earth pīn yīn: jīng tiān...
Chinese Idiom: 盘根错节 (Pan Gen Cuo Jie) English Translation: Roots and branches intertwined and crossed. pīn yīn: pán gēn cuò...
Chinese Idiom: 盘马弯弓 (Pan Ma Wan Gong) English Translation: Riding in circles on horseback and drawing a bow pīn yīn: pán...
Chinese Idiom: 淡妆浓抹 (Dan Zhuang Nong Mo) English Translation: Light makeup and heavy makeup pīn yīn: dàn zhuāng nóng mǒ Idiom...
Chinese Idiom: 清风两袖 (Qing Feng Liang Xiu) English Translation: Two sleeves of clear wind pīn yīn: qīng fēng liǎng xiù Idiom...
Chinese Idiom: 清尘浊水 (Qing Chen Zhuo Shui) English Translation: Clear dust and murky water pīn yīn: qīng chén zhuó shuǐ Idiom...
Chinese Idiom: 请君莫奏前朝曲 (Qing Jun Mo Zou Qian Chao Qu) English Translation: Please do not play the tunes of the previous dynasty...
Chinese Idiom: 读书破万卷,下笔如有神 (Du Shu Po Wan Juan, Xia Bi Ru You Shen) English Translation: Having read ten thousand volumes,...
Chinese Idiom: 害群之马 (Hai Qun Zhi Ma) English Translation: A horse that harms the herd pīn yīn: hài qún zhī mǎ Idiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 请君入瓮 (Qing Jun Ru Weng) English Translation: Please enter the jar pīn yīn: qǐng jūn rù wēng Idiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 顽石点头 (Wan Shi Dian Tou) English Translation: Stubborn stones nodding pīn yīn: wán shí diǎn tóu Idiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 党同伐异 (Dang Tong Fa Yi) English Translation: Forming factions and attacking differences pīn yīn: dǎng tóng...
Chinese Idiom: 胸有成竹 (Xiong You Cheng Zhu) English Translation: Having a bamboo forest in one’s heart pīn yīn: xiōng yǒu chéng...
Chinese Idiom: 离群索居 (Li Qun Suo Ju) English Translation: Living in solitude away from the group pīn yīn: lí qún suǒ jū Idiom...
Chinese Idiom: 悔过自新 (Hui Guo Zi Xin) English Translation: Repent and start anew pīn yīn: huǐ guò zì xīn Idiom Meaning: This...
Chinese Idiom: 破釜沉舟 (Po Fu Chen Zhou) English Translation: Breaking the cauldrons and sinking the boats pīn yīn: pò fǔ chén...
Chinese Idiom: 破镜重圆 (Po Jing Chong Yuan) English Translation: A broken mirror rejoined pīn yīn: pò jìng chòng yuán Idiom...
Chinese Idiom: 挺身而出 (Ting Shen Er Chu) English Translation: Stand out and take action pīn yīn: tǐng shēn ér chū Idiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 起死回生 (Qi Si Hui Sheng) English Translation: Bring the dead back to life pīn yīn: qǐ sǐ huí shēng Idiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 家书抵万金 (Jia Shu Di Wan Jin) English Translation: A family letter is worth ten thousand gold pīn yīn: jiā shū...
Chinese Idiom: 难兄难弟 (Nan Xiong Nan Di) English Translation: Difficult brothers pīn yīn: nán xiōng nán dì Idiom Meaning: Originally,...
Chinese Idiom: 秦镜高悬 (Qin Jing Gao Xuan) English Translation: The Qin mirror hangs high pīn yīn: qín jìng gāo xuán Idiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 袖手旁观 (Xiu Shou Pang Guan) English Translation: Stand by with hands in one’s sleeves pīn yīn: xiù shǒu...
Chinese Idiom: 倒悬之危 (Dao Xuan Zhi Wei) English Translation: The danger of being upside down pīn yīn: dào xuán zhī wēi Idiom...
Chinese Idiom: 倒行逆施 (Dao Xing Ni Shi) English Translation: Acting in reverse and doing things contrary to reason pīn yīn:...
Chinese Idiom: 胶柱鼓瑟 (Jiao Zhu Gu Se) English Translation: Glue the tuning pegs of the zither pīn yīn: jiāo zhù gǔ sè Idiom...
Chinese Idiom: 俯首帖耳 (Fu Shou Tie Er) English Translation: Bowing the head and drooping the ears pīn yīn: fǔ shǒu tiē ěr Idiom...
Chinese Idiom: 倾盆大雨 (Qing Pen Da Yu) English Translation: Pouring rain pīn yīn: qīng pén dà yǔ Idiom Meaning: This idiom...
Chinese Idiom: 唇亡齿寒 (Chun Wang Chi Han) English Translation: When the lips are gone, the teeth feel cold pīn yīn: chún wáng...
Chinese Idiom: 旁敲侧击 (Pang Qiao Ce Ji) English Translation: Tapping from the side pīn yīn: páng qiāo cè jī Idiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 旁若无人 (Pang Ruo Wu Ren) English Translation: As if there were no one around pīn yīn: páng ruò wú rén Idiom...
Chinese Idiom: 素琴无弦 (Su Qin Wu Xian) English Translation: A guqin without strings pīn yīn: sù qín wú xián Idiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 病入膏育 (Bing Ru Gao Huang) English Translation: Illness has entered the vital organs pīn yīn: bìng rù gāo huāng...
Chinese Idiom: 顾曲周郎 (Gu Qu Zhou Lang) English Translation: The attentive listener, Zhou Lang pīn yīn: gù qǔ zhōu láng Idiom...
Chinese Idiom: 狼狈为奸 (Lang Bei Wei Jian) English Translation: Colluding like a wolf and a jackal pīn yīn: láng bèi wéi jiān...
Chinese Idiom: 晓风残月 (Xiao Feng Can Yue) English Translation: Morning breeze and the waning moon pīn yīn: xiǎo fēng cán yuè...
Chinese Idiom: 疾风劲草 (Ji Feng Jin Cao) English Translation: Strong grass withstands fierce winds pīn yīn: jí fēng jìng cǎo...
Chinese Idiom: 羞与哙伍 (Xiu Yu Kuai Wu) English Translation: Ashamed to be in the company of someone like Fan Kuai. pīn yīn:...
Chinese Idiom: 恶贯满盈 (E Guan Man Ying) English Translation: Evil deeds strung together until the rope is full pīn yīn: è guàn...
Chinese Idiom: 捉襟见肘 (Zhuo Jin Jian Zhou) English Translation: Pulling the lapels exposes the elbows pīn yīn: zhuō jīn jiàn...
Chinese Idiom: 高山流水 (Gao Shan Liu Shui) English Translation: Lofty mountains and flowing water pīn yīn: gāo shān liú shuǐ...
Chinese Idiom: 高屋建瓴 (Gao Wu Jian Ling) English Translation: Pouring water from a high roof pīn yīn: gāo wū jiàn líng Idiom...
Chinese Idiom: 高山大野 (Gao Shan Da Ye) English Translation: Tall mountains and vast plains pīn yīn: gāo shān dà yě Idiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 谈何容易 (Tan He Rong Yi) English Translation: Easier said than done. pīn yīn: tán hé róng yì Idiom Meaning: This...
Chinese Idiom: 桃李不言,下自成蹊 (Tao Li Bu Yan, Xia Zi Cheng Xi) English Translation: The peach and plum trees don’t speak, yet...
Chinese Idiom: 兼听则明,偏听则暗 (Jian Ting Ze Ming, Pian Ting Ze An) English Translation: Listen Broadly to Be Enlightened, Listen...
Chinese Idiom: 爱莫能助 (Ai Mo Neng Zhu) English Translation: Love Is There, But Help Is Not Possible pīn yīn: ài mò néng zhù...
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