Chinese Idioms about Places
Chinese Idiom: 崇山峻岭 (Chong Shan Jun Ling)English Translation: Lofty and steep mountains and ridgespīn yīn: chóng shān...
Chinese Idiom: 淡妆浓抹 (Dan Zhuang Nong Mo)English Translation: Light makeup and heavy makeuppīn yīn: dàn zhuāng nóng...
Chinese Idiom: 高山大野 (Gao Shan Da Ye)English Translation: Tall mountains and vast plainspīn yīn: gāo shān dà yěIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 宾至如归 (Bin Zhi Ru Gui)English Translation: Guests Feel at Homepīn yīn: bīn zhì rú guīIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 流连忘返 (Liu Lian Wang Fan)English Translation: Reluctant to Leavepīn yīn: liú lián wàng fǎnIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 徒有四壁 (Tu You Si Bi)English Translation: Only Four Wallspīn yīn: tú yǒu sì bìIdiom Meaning: This idiom...
Chinese Idiom: 豺狼当道 (Chai Lang Dang Dao)English Translation: Wolves Block the Roadpīn yīn: chái láng dāng dàoIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 海阔天空 (Hai Kuo Tian Kong)English Translation: The Sea is Vast and the Sky is Highpīn yīn: hǎi kuò tiān...
Chinese Idiom: 钩心斗角 (Gou Xin Dou Jiao)English Translation: Hooking Hearts and Battling Anglespīn yīn: gōu xīn dòu jiǎoIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 狭路相逢 (Xia Lu Xiang Feng)English Translation: Narrow road encounterpīn yīn: xiá lù xiāng féngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 狡兔三窟 (Jiao Tu San Ku)English Translation: A cunning rabbit has three burrowspīn yīn: jiǎo tù sān kūIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 草创未就 (Cao Chuang Wei Jiu)English Translation: Still in the early stages of creationpīn yīn: cǎo chuàng...
Chinese Idiom: 前无古人 (Qian Wu Gu Ren)English Translation: No predecessorspīn yīn: qián wú gǔ rénIdiom Meaning: This...
Chinese Idiom: 临深履薄 (Lin Shen Lu Bo)English Translation: On the brink of a deep abyss, treading on thin icepīn yīn:...
Chinese Idiom: 咫尺千里 (Zhi Chi Qian Li)English Translation: Close enough to touch, yet a thousand miles apartpīn yīn:...
Chinese Idiom: 艰难险阻 (Jian Nan Xian Zu)English Translation: Difficulties and dangerspīn yīn: jiān nán xiǎn zǔIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 物以类聚 (Wu Yi Lei Ju)English Translation: Things of the same kind come togetherpīn yīn: wù yǐ lèi jùIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 孟母三迁 (Meng Mu San Qian)English Translation: Meng’s mother moved three timespīn yīn: mèng mǔ sān...
Chinese Idiom: 虎踞龙蟠 (Hu Ju Long Pan)English Translation: Tiger crouches, dragon coilspīn yīn: hǔ jù lóng pánIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 庐山真面目 (Lu Shan Zhen Mian Mu)English Translation: The true face of Mount Lupīn yīn: lú shān zhēn miàn...
Chinese Idiom: 作舍道边 (Zuo She Dao Bian)English Translation: Building a house by the roadsidepīn yīn: zuò shè dào biānIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 别有天地 (Bie You Tian Di)English Translation: Another world existspīn yīn: bié yǒu tiān dìIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 曲径通幽 (Qu Jing Tong You)English Translation: Winding path leads to a secluded placepīn yīn: qū jìng tōng...
Chinese Idiom: 安居乐业 (An Ju Le Ye)English Translation: Live in peace and work happilypīn yīn: ān jū lè yèIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 百废俱兴 (Bai Fei Ju Xing)English Translation: All neglected affairs flourishpīn yīn: bǎi fèi jù xīngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 平地波澜 (Ping Di Bo Lan)English Translation: Waves on flat groundpīn yīn: píng dì bō lánIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 世外桃源 (Shi Wai Tao Yuan)English Translation: Peach Blossom Land Beyond the Worldpīn yīn: shì wài táo...
Chinese Idiom: 水天一色 (Shui Tian Yi Se)English Translation: Water and sky of one colorpīn yīn: shuǐ tiān yī sèIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 天上人间 (Tian Shang Ren Jian)English Translations: Heaven on Earthpīn yīn: tiān shàng rén jiānIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 天翻地覆 (Tian Fan Di Fu)English Translation: Earth-Shattering Changespīn yīn: tiān fān dì fùIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 天涯海角 (Tian Ya Hai Jiao)English Translation: The Ends of the Earth and the Corners of the Seapīn yīn:...
Chinese Idiom: 五风十雨 (Wu Feng Shi Yu)English Translation: Five Winds and Ten Rainspīn yīn: wǔ fēng shí yǔIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 火树银花 (Huo Shu Yin Hua)English Translation: Fire trees and silver flowerspīn yīn: huǒ shù yín huāIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 车水马龙 (Che Shui Ma Long)English Translation: A scene of bustling traffic and activitypīn yīn: chē shuǐ...
Chinese Idiom: 风调雨顺 (Feng Tiao Yu Shun)English Translation: Favorable Weather Conditionspīn yīn: fēng tiáo yǔ shùnIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 风起云涌 (Feng Qi Yun Yong)English Translation: Surge of Activity or Eventspīn yīn: fēng qǐ yún yǒngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 心旷神怡 (Xin Kuang Shen Yi)English Translation: Relaxed and Delightedpīn yīn: xīn kuàng shén yíIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 万籁俱寂 (Wan Lai Ju Ji)English Translation: All sounds are silentpīn yīn: wàn lài jù jìIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 千里无鸡鸣 (Qian Li Wu Ji Ming)English Translation: No Rooster Crows for a Thousand Milespīn yīn: qiān lǐ...
Chinese Idiom: 万紫千红 (Wan Zi Qian Hong)English Translation: A myriad of purples and thousands of redspīn yīn: wàn zǐ...
Chinese Idiom: 千山万壑 (Qian Shan Wan He)English Translation: Endless Mountains and Valleyspīn yīn: qiān shān wàn hèIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 门庭若市 (Meng Ting Ruo Shi)English Translation: A Thriving Scene at the Doorpīn yīn: mén tíng ruò shìIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 人杰地灵 (Ren Jie Di Ling)English Translation: Extraordinary People Make Extraordinary Placespīn yīn: rén...
Chinese Idiom: 一夫当关,万夫莫开 (Yi Fu Dang Guan, Wan Fu Mo Kai)English Translation: A Single Man Guards the Pass, Ten Thousand...
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