Chinese Idiom Story
Delve into Chinese Culture
Chinese Idiom: 阳春白雪,下里巴人 (Yang Chun Bai Xue, Xia Li Ba Ren)English Translation: Highbrow literature and popular literaturepīn...
Chinese Idiom: 各得其所 (Ge De Qi Suo)English Translation: Everyone gets what they deservepīn yīn: gè dé qí suǒIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 讳莫如深 (Hui Mo Ru Shen)English Translation: The more hidden, the betterpīn yīn: huì mò rú shēnIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 扬眉吐气 (Yang Mei Tu Qi)English Translation: Raise eyebrows and exhale joyfullypīn yīn: yáng méi tǔ qìIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 伤风败俗 (Shang Feng Bai Su)English Translation: Injure morals and corrupt customspīn yīn: shāng fēng bài...
Chinese Idiom: 多多益善 (Duo Duo Yi Shan)English Translation: The more, the betterpīn yīn: duō duō yì shànIdiom Meaning:...
Duo Xing Bu Yi Bi Zi Bi - Those who commit many wrongdoings will surely bring about their own demise
Chinese Idiom: 多行不义必自毙 (Duo Xing Bu Yi Bi Zi Bi)English Translation: Those who commit many wrongdoings will surely bring...
Chinese Idiom: 曲径通幽 (Qu Jing Tong You)English Translation: Winding path leads to a secluded placepīn yīn: qū jìng tōng...
Chinese Idiom: 论功行赏 (Lun Gong Xing Shang)English Translation: Rewarding based on meritpīn yīn: lùn gōng xíng shǎngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 妄自尊大 (Wang Zi Zun Da)English Translation: Foolishly considering oneself greatpīn yīn: wàng zì zūn dàIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 妄自菲薄 (Wang Zi Fei Bo)English Translation: Foolishly belittling oneselfpīn yīn: wàng zì fěi bóIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 买椟还珠 (Mai Du Huan Zhu)English Translation: Buying the box and returning the pearlpīn yīn: mǎi dú huán...
Chinese Idiom: 危急存亡 (Wei Ji Cun Wang)English Translation: Critical moment of life and deathpīn yīn: wēi jí cún wángIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 当局者迷 (Dang Ju Zhe Mi)English Translation: The person in charge is confusedpīn yīn: dāng jú zhě míIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 众志成城 (Zhong Zhi Cheng Cheng)English Translation: United will builds a strong citypīn yīn: zhòng zhì...
Chinese Idiom: 众叛亲离 (Zhong Pan Qin Li)English Translation: Abandoned by the masses and estranged from kinpīn yīn: zhòng...
Chinese Idiom: 华而不实 (Hua Er Bu Shi)English Translation: Flowery but not substantialpīn yīn: huá ér bù shíIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 安步当车 (An Bu Dang Che)English Translation: Walk at ease instead of riding in a carriagepīn yīn: ān bù...
Chinese Idiom: 安如泰山 (An Ru Tai Shan)English Translation: As stable as Mount Taipīn yīn: ān rú tài shānIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 安然无恙 (An Ran Wu Yang)English Translation: Safe and soundpīn yīn: ān rán wú yàngIdiom Meaning: This...
Chinese Idiom: 安居乐业 (An Ju Le Ye)English Translation: Live in peace and work happilypīn yīn: ān jū lè yèIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 夙兴夜寐 (Su Xing Ye Mei)English Translation: Rise early and sleep latepīn yīn: sù xīng yè mèiIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 价值连城 (Jia Zhi Lian Cheng)English Translation: Worth a citypīn yīn: jià zhí lián chéngIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 尽善尽美 (Jin Shan Jin Mei)English Translation: Perfect and flawlesspīn yīn: jìn shàn jìn měiIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 异军突起 (Yi Jun Tu Qi)English Translation: A different army rises abruptlypīn yīn: yì jūn tú qǐIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 百发百中 (Bai Fa Bai Zhong)English Translation: A hundred shots, a hundred hitspīn yīn: bǎi fā bǎi zhòngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 百折不挠 (Bai Zhe Bu Nao)English Translation: Unyielding despite a hundred setbackspīn yīn: bǎi zhé bù náoIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 百感交集 (Bai Gan Jiao Ji)English Translation: A hundred feelings mingle togetherpīn yīn: bǎi gǎn jiāo jíIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 百川归海 (Bai Chuan Gui Hai)English Translation: Hundred rivers return to the seapīn yīn: bǎi chuān guī...
Chinese Idiom: 百步穿杨 (Bai Bu Chuan Yang)English Translation: A hundred paces to pierce a willow leafpīn yīn: bǎi bù...
Chinese Idiom: 百战百胜 (Bai Zhan Bai Sheng)English Translation: A hundred battles, a hundred victoriespīn yīn: bǎi zhàn...
Chinese Idiom: 百废俱兴 (Bai Fei Ju Xing)English Translation: All neglected affairs flourishpīn yīn: bǎi fèi jù xīngIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 百无聊赖 (Bai Wu Liao Lai)English Translation: A hundred ways to be bored and listlesspīn yīn: bǎi wú liáo...
Chinese Idiom: 防微杜渐 (Fang Wei Du Jian)English Translation: Prevent minor issues and stop their developmentpīn yīn:...
Chinese Idiom: 防患未然 (Fang Huan Wei Ran)English Translation: Prevent problems before they arisepīn yīn: fáng huàn wèi...
Chinese Idiom: 如泣如诉 (Ru Qi Ru Su)English Translation: Like weeping, like lamentingpīn yīn: rú qì rú sùIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 如坐针毡 (Ru Zuo Zhen Zhan)English Translation: Like sitting on a bed of needlespīn yīn: rú zuò zhēn zhānIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 如火如荼 (Ru Huo Ru Tu)English Translation: As fierce as fire and as intense as grasspīn yīn: rú huǒ rú...
Chinese Idiom: 如鱼得水 (Ru Yu De Shui)English Translation: Like a fish in waterpīn yīn: rú yú dé shuǐIdiom Meaning:...
Chinese Idiom: 岌岌可危 (Ji Ji Ke Wei)English Translation: In imminent dangerpīn yīn: jí jí kě wēiIdiom Meaning: This...
Chinese Idiom: 守株待兔 (Shou Zhu Dai Tu)English Translation: Waiting by a tree stump for a rabbitpīn yīn: shǒu zhū dài...
Chinese Idiom: 交口称誉 (Jiao Kou Cheng Yu)English Translation: Everyone speaks highly ofpīn yīn: jiāo kǒu chēng yùIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 交头接耳 (Jiao Tou Jie Er)English Translation: Heads together and ears touchingpīn yīn: jiāo tóu jiē ěrIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 江郎才尽 (Jiang Lang Cai Jin)English Translation: Jiang Lang’s talent is exhaustedpīn yīn: jiāng láng cái...
Chinese Idiom: 同仇敌忾 (Tong Chou Di Kai)English Translation: Share the same hatred for the enemypīn yīn: tóng chóu dí...
Chinese Idiom: 同心协力 (Tong Xin Xie Li)English Translation: Unite in thought and work togetherpīn yīn: tóng xīn xié lìIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 同流合污 (Tong Liu He Wu)English Translation: Flow with the same current and merge with the filthpīn yīn:...
Chinese Idiom: 同病相怜 (Tong Bing Xiang Lian)English Translation: Sympathize with each other in the same afflictionpīn...
Chinese Idiom: 同心同德 (Tong Xin Tong De)English Translation: To be of one mind and one willpīn yīn: tóng xīn tóng déIdiom...
Chinese Idiom: 同日而语 (Tong Ri Er Yu)English Translation: Mentioned in the same breathpīn yīn: tóng rì ér yǔIdiom...
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