Chinese Idiom: 中饱私囊 (Zhong Bao Si Nang)
English Translation: Stuffing one’s own pockets
pīn yīn: zhōng bǎo sī náng
Idiom Meaning: Refers to individuals who exploit their positions of power to enrich themselves at the expense of their duties.
Historical Source: “Han Feizi · Wai Chu Shuo Zuo Xia” (《韩非子 · 外储说左下》)
Idiom Story
In the late Spring and Autumn period, Zhao Jianzi was the chief minister of the State of Jin. One year, he sent tax officials to collect taxes. Before they departed, the officials asked Zhao Jianzi, “What should be the tax rate for this collection?”
Zhao Jianzi replied, “A rate that is neither too high nor too low is best. If the taxes are high, the state becomes wealthy, but the common people suffer. If the taxes are low, the people prosper, but the state becomes poor. If you act without personal interests, you will handle this well.”
At this moment, a person named Bo Yi commented to Zhao Jianzi, “In my view, your state is actually ‘stuffing its own pockets.'”
Zhao Jianzi thought Bo Yi was praising his state’s wealth and felt pleased, even asking Bo Yi for clarification.
Bo Yi bluntly explained, “The state treasury is empty, the common people are poor, and only the corrupt officials in the middle are rich.” Zhao Jianzi was greatly surprised by this observation.