Chinese Idiom: 以逸待劳 (Yi Yi Dai Lao)
English Translation: Wait in a state of ease while the enemy grows weary
pīn yīn: yǐ yì dài láo
Idiom Meaning: This idiom refers to the military strategy of remaining calm and rested while the enemy becomes exhausted from their efforts, thus gaining an advantage.
Historical Source: The Art of War by Sun Tzu, specifically from the chapter “Strategic Advantage” (《孙子兵法·军争》).
Idiom Story
In The Art of War, Sun Tzu advises that the best way to gain an advantage in war is to maintain one’s own strength and readiness while waiting for the enemy to exhaust themselves. He emphasizes that one should use their own readiness to counter the enemy’s fatigue and disorganization. This strategy includes maintaining a strategic position, staying well-rested, and being prepared while the enemy suffers from fatigue and hunger.
A historical example of this strategy can be found in the Book of the Later Han (后汉书), which recounts the early Eastern Han period. During this time, the warlord Wei Shao was a major threat, and Liu Xiu, the Han Emperor Guangwu, needed to suppress him. Liu Xiu sent General Feng Yi to attack Wei Shao’s forces in Gouwu (modern-day Xunyi County, Shaanxi).
Upon learning of Feng Yi’s advance, Wei Shao sent his generals Wang Yuan and Xing Xun to defend Gouwu. Feng Yi decided to seize the city of Gouwu before Wei Shao’s forces could arrive, despite some advice to wait and avoid direct confrontation.
Feng Yi reasoned that by occupying the city first, his forces would be able to rest and prepare while the enemy’s long march would leave them fatigued. This approach of “waiting in ease while the enemy labors” proved effective. Feng Yi’s forces defeated the exhausted and worn-out enemy troops decisively.
This story illustrates the concept of “以逸待劳” and demonstrates how using strategic patience and maintaining one’s own strength can lead to victory over a fatigued opponent.