Chinese Idiom: 一丝不苟 (Yi Si Bu Gou)
English Translation: Attention to Detail
pīn yīn: yī sī bù gǒu
Idiom Meaning: This idiom means to be meticulous and thorough, paying attention to even the smallest details. “丝” (silk thread) refers to something extremely small, and “苟” (careless) means to be negligent or perfunctory.
Historical Source: The Scholars (Chapter 4).
Idiom Story: The Scholars (儒林外史), written by Wu Jingzi during the Qing Dynasty, is a satirical novel that portrays various characters and critiques the imperial examination system and feudal ethics. In Chapter 4, there is a story that illustrates the origin of this idiom:
During the Ming Dynasty, a scholar named Fan Jin had repeatedly failed the imperial examinations. One year, he unexpectedly passed and was awarded the title of “Juren” (a successful candidate). He went to visit his mentor, County Magistrate Tang, who hosted a banquet in his honor. During the banquet, an old man brought a gift of fifty jin of beef, contributed by several people.
At that time, the emperor had issued a decree prohibiting the slaughter of oxen for meat, making it illegal for anyone to consume beef. Magistrate Tang, known for his corruption, was uncertain whether to accept the gift. He sought advice from Zhang Jingzhai, another successful candidate who had accompanied Fan Jin. Zhang Jingzhai suggested, “Tomorrow, you should arrest the old man who led the group in bringing the beef. Stack the beef on the cangue (a type of punishment device) and post a notice explaining that they knowingly violated the law, which is highly reprehensible. This way, when the higher authorities investigate, they will see that you are meticulous and principled, making your promotion imminent.”
Magistrate Tang, impressed by Zhang Jingzhai’s advice, followed the suggestion and acted accordingly.
From this story, the idiom “attention to detail” (一丝不苟) emerged, highlighting the importance of being meticulous and thorough in one’s actions and responsibilities.