Chinese Idioms about Events

Gan En Tu Bao Gratefulness And Plans For Repayment
Gan En Tu Bao - Gratefulness and Plans for Repayment
Chinese Idiom: 感恩图报 (Gan En Tu Bao) English Translation: Gratefulness and Plans for Repayment pīn yīn: gǎn ēn tú bào Idiom...
Chi Ren Shuo Meng The Fool Speaks Of Dreams
Chi Ren Shuo Meng - The Fool Speaks of Dreams
Chinese Idiom: 痴人说梦 (Chi Ren Shuo Meng) English Translation: The Fool Speaks of Dreams pīn yīn: chī rén shuō mèng Idiom Meaning:...
Peng Cheng Wan Li A Thousand Miles Of The Roc’s Journey
Peng Cheng Wan Li - A Thousand Miles of the Roc’s Journey
Chinese Idiom: 鹏程万里 (Peng Cheng Wan Li) English Translation: A Thousand Miles of the Roc’s Journey pīn yīn: péng chéng wàn...
Jia Huo Yu Ren Transfer Misfortune To Others
Jia Huo Yu Ren - Transfer Misfortune to Others
Chinese Idiom: 嫁祸于人 (Jia Huo Yu Ren) English Translation: Transfer Misfortune to Others pīn yīn: jià huò yú rén Idiom Meaning:...
An Jian Shang Ren Hidden Arrows Wound People
An Jian Shang Ren - Hidden Arrows Wound People
Chinese Idiom: 暗箭伤人 (An Jian Shang Ren) English Translation: Hidden Arrows Wound People pīn yīn: àn jiàn shāng rén Idiom...
An Du Chen Cang Secretly Passing Through Chen Cang
An Du Chen Cang - Secretly Passing Through Chen Cang
Chinese Idiom: 暗度陈仓 (An Du Chen Cang) English Translation: Secretly Passing Through Chen Cang pīn yīn: àn dù chén cāng Idiom...
Sai Weng Shi Ma The Old Man Loses His Horse
Sai Weng Shi Ma - The Old Man Loses His Horse
Chinese Idiom: 塞翁失马 (Sai Weng Shi Ma) English Translation: The Old Man Loses His Horse pīn yīn: sài wēng shī mǎ Idiom Meaning:...
Lu Ren Jie Zhi Known By All Passersby
Lu Ren Jie Zhi - Known by All Passersby
Chinese Idiom: 路人皆知 (Lu Ren Jie Zhi) English Translation: Known by All Passersby pīn yīn: lù rén jiē zhī Idiom Meaning: This...
Jie Ling Hai Xu Xi Ling Ren To Untie The Bell, One Must Find The Person Who Tied It
Jie Ling Hai Xu Xi Ling Ren - To Untie the Bell, One Must Find the Person Who Tied It
Chinese Idiom: 解铃还须系铃人 (Jie Ling Hai Xu Xi Ling Ren) English Translation: To Untie the Bell, One Must Find the Person Who...
Jie Yi Tui Shi Doffing Clothes And Pushing Food
Jie Yi Tui Shi - Doffing Clothes and Pushing Food
Chinese Idiom: 解衣推食 (Jie Yi Tui Shi) English Translation: Doffing Clothes and Pushing Food pīn yīn: jiě yī tuī shí Idiom...
Xiang Dang Ran Er It Goes Without Saying
Xiang Dang Ran Er - It Goes Without Saying
Chinese Idiom: 想当然耳 (Xiang Dang Ran Er) English Translation: It Goes Without Saying pīn yīn: xiǎng dāng rán ěr Idiom Meaning:...
Yu Gong Yi Shan The Foolish Old Man Moves The Mountains
Yu Gong Yi Shan - The Foolish Old Man Moves the Mountains
Chinese Idiom: 愚公移山 (Yu Gong Yi Shan) English Translation: The Foolish Old Man Moves the Mountains pīn yīn: yú gōng yí shān...
Tian Zhen Lan Man Innocent And Unaffected
Man Cheng Feng Yu - The City is Full of Wind and Rain
Chinese Idiom: 满城风雨 (Man Cheng Feng Yu) English Translation: The City is Full of Wind and Rain pīn yīn: mǎn chéng fēng yǔ...
Duan Bing Xiang Jie Close Quarter Combat
Duan Bing Xiang Jie - Close-Quarter Combat
Chinese Idiom: 短兵相接 (Duan Bing Xiang Jie) English Translation: Close-Quarter Combat pīn yīn: duǎn bīng xiāng jiē Idiom Meaning:...
Liang Cai Lu Yong Assessing Talent For Employment
Liang Cai Lu Yong - Assessing Talent for Employment
Chinese Idiom: 量才录用 (Liang Cai Lu Yong) English Translation: Assessing Talent for Employment pīn yīn: liàng cái lù yòng Idiom...
Liang Ti Cai Yi Measuring The Body To Tailor Clothes
Liang Ti Cai Yi - Measuring the Body to Tailor Clothes
Chinese Idiom: 量体裁衣 (Liang Ti Cai Yi) English Translation: Measuring the Body to Tailor Clothes pīn yīn: liàng tǐ cái yī...
Ji Si Guang Yi Gathering Thoughts For Greater Benefit
Ji Si Guang Yi - Gathering Thoughts for Greater Benefit
Chinese Idiom: 集思广益 (Ji Si Guang Yi) English Translation: Gathering Thoughts for Greater Benefit pīn yīn: jí sī guǎng yì...
Bei Huan Li He Sorrow And Joy, Separation And Reunion
Bei Huan Li He - Sorrow and Joy, Separation and Reunion
Chinese Idiom: 悲欢离合 (Bei Huan Li He) English Translation: Sorrow and Joy, Separation and Reunion pīn yīn: bēi huān lí hé...
Jie Gan Er Qi Raise The Pole And Rise
Jie Gan Er Qi - Raise the Pole and Rise
Chinese Idiom: 揭竿而起 (Jie Gan Er Qi) English Translation: Raise the Pole and Rise pīn yīn: jiē gān ér qǐ Idiom Meaning: It...
Dao Ting Tu Shuo Hearsay On The Road
Dao Ting Tu Shuo - Hearsay on the Road
Chinese Idiom: 道听途说 (Dao Ting Tu Shuo) English Translation: Hearsay on the Road pīn yīn: dào tīng tú shuō Idiom Meaning:...
Ding Zu Zhi Shi The Triangular Stance
Ding Zu Zhi Shi - The Triangular Stance
Chinese Idiom: 鼎足之势 (Ding Zu Zhi Shi) English Translation: The Triangular Stance pīn yīn: dǐng zú zhī shì Idiom Meaning:...
Tong Yin Huang Long Heartily Drinking From The Yellow Dragon
Tong Yin Huang Long - Heartily Drinking from the Yellow Dragon
Chinese Idiom: 痛饮黄龙 (Tong Yin Huang Long) English Translation: Heartily Drinking from the Yellow Dragon pīn yīn: tòng yǐn...
Ge Xi Jue Jiao Cutting The Mat And Breaking Off Friendship
Ge Xi Jue Jiao - Cutting the Mat and Breaking Off Friendship
Chinese Idiom: 割席绝交 (Ge Xi Jue Jiao) English Translation: Cutting the Mat and Breaking Off Friendship pīn yīn: gē xí jué...
Qiao Zu Er Dai Waiting With One's Foot Raised
Qiao Zu Er Dai - Waiting with One's Foot Raised
Chinese Idiom: 翘足而待 (Qiao Zu Er Dai) English Translation: Waiting with One’s Foot Raised pīn yīn: qiáo zú ér dài Idiom...
Zhao San Mu Si Three In The Morning, Four In The Evening
Zhao San Mu Si - Three in the Morning, Four in the Evening
Chinese Idiom: 朝三暮四 (Zhao San Mu Si) English Translation: Three in the Morning, Four in the Evening pīn yīn: zhāo sān mù...
Qiang Nu Zhi Mo The Last Stage Of A Strong Crossbow
Qiang Nu Zhi Mo - The Last Stage of a Strong Crossbow
Chinese Idiom: 强弩之末 (Qiang Nu Zhi Mo) English Translation: The Last Stage of a Strong Crossbow pīn yīn: qiáng nǔ zhī mò Idiom...
Bi Shang Liang Shan Forced Onto Liang Mountain
Bi Shang Liang Shan - Forced onto Liang Mountain
Chinese Idiom: 逼上梁山 (Bi Shang Liang Shan) English Translation: Forced onto Liang Mountain pīn yīn: bī shàng liáng shān Idiom...
Cheng Qian Bi Hou Punish The Past To Prevent Future Mistakes
Cheng Qian Bi Hou - Punish the past to prevent future mistakes
Chinese Idiom: 惩前毖后 (Cheng Qian Bi Hou) English Translation: Punish the past to prevent future mistakes pīn yīn: chéng qián...
Luo Jing Xia Shi Drop Stones While Someone Is In The Well
Luo Jing Xia Shi - Drop stones while someone is in the well
Chinese Idiom: 落井下石 (Luo Jing Xia Shi) English Translation: Drop stones while someone is in the well pīn yīn: luò jǐng xià...
Zhu Cheng Da Cuo Forged Into A Major Mistake
Zhu Cheng Da Cuo - Forged into a major mistake
Chinese Idiom: 铸成大错 (Zhu Cheng Da Cuo) English Translation: Forged into a major mistake pīn yīn: zhù chéng dà cuò Idiom Meaning:...
Cheng Men Li Xue Standing In The Snow At Cheng's Door
Cheng Men Li Xue - Standing in the snow at Cheng's door
Chinese Idiom: 程门立雪 (Cheng Men Li Xue) English Translation: Standing in the snow at Cheng’s door pīn yīn: chéng mén...
Ba Shan She Shui Crossing Mountains And Fording Rivers
Ba Shan She Shui - Crossing mountains and fording rivers
Chinese Idiom: 跋山涉水 (Ba Shan She Shui) English Translation: Crossing mountains and fording rivers pīn yīn: bá shān shè shuǐ...
Yu Jia Zhi Zui, He Huan Wu Ci
Yu Jia Zhi Zui, He Huan Wu Ci
Chinese Idiom: 欲加之罪,何患无辞 (Yu Jia Zhi Zui, He Huan Wu Ci) English Translation: If one wishes to impose a crime, there are...
Yu Su Ze Bu Da Wanting To Be Fast Will Not Achieve Success
Yu Su Ze Bu Da - Wanting to be fast will not achieve success
Chinese Idiom: 欲速则不达 (Yu Su Ze Bu Da) English Translation: Wanting to be fast will not achieve success pīn yīn: yù sù zé...
Sui Yue Du Shu Reading By The Light Of The Moon
Sui Yue Du Shu - Reading by the light of the moon
Chinese Idiom: 随月读书 (Sui Yue Du Shu) English Translation: Reading by the light of the moon pīn yīn: suí yuè dú shū Idiom...
Jie Zu Xian Deng Swift Feet Ascend First
Jie Zu Xian Deng - Swift feet ascend first
Chinese Idiom: 捷足先登 (Jie Zu Xian Deng) English Translation: Swift feet ascend first pīn yīn: jié zú xiān dēng Idiom Meaning:...
Xu Zuo Yi Dai Leaving The Left Seat Empty To Await Guests
Xu Zuo Yi Dai - Leaving the Left Seat Empty to Await Guests
Chinese Idiom: 虚左以待 (Xu Zuo Yi Dai) English Translation: Leaving the Left Seat Empty to Await Guests pīn yīn: xū zuǒ yǐ dài...
Pai Nan Jie Fen Remove Difficulties And Resolve Disputes
Pai Nan Jie Fen - Remove difficulties and resolve disputes
Chinese Idiom: 排难解纷 (Pai Nan Jie Fen) English Translation: Remove difficulties and resolve disputes pīn yīn: pái nán jiě...
Huo Qi Xiao Qiang Disaster Arises From Within
Huo Qi Xiao Qiang - Disaster arises from within
Chinese Idiom: 祸起萧墙 (Huo Qi Xiao Qiang) English Translation: Disaster arises from within pīn yīn: huò qǐ xiāo qiáng Idiom...
Huan Nan Xiang Gong Share Hardships Together
Huan Nan Xiang Gong - Share hardships together
Chinese Idiom: 患难相共 (Huan Nan Xiang Gong) English Translation: Share hardships together pīn yīn: huàn nàn xiāng gòng Idiom...
Jian Ru Jia Jing Gradually Entering A Good Situation
Jian Ru Jia Jing - Gradually entering a good situation
Chinese Idiom: 渐入佳境 (Jian Ru Jia JIng) English Translation: Gradually entering a good situation pīn yīn: jiàn rù jiā jìng...
Yan Mu Bu Que Covering One’s Eyes To Catch A Sparrow
Yan Mu Bu Que - Covering one’s eyes to catch a sparrow
Chinese Idiom: 掩目捕雀 (Yan Mu Bu Que) English Translation: Covering one’s eyes to catch a sparrow pīn yīn: yǎn mù bǔ què Idiom...
Yan Er Dao Ling Covering One’s Ears While Stealing A Bell
Yan Er Dao Ling - Covering one’s ears while stealing a bell
Chinese Idiom: 掩耳盗铃 (Yan Er Dao Ling) English Translation: Covering one’s ears while stealing a bell pīn yīn: yǎn ěr dào...
Wang Yang Xing Tan Looking At The Ocean And Sighing
Wang Yang Xing Tan - Looking at the ocean and sighing
Chinese Idiom: 望洋兴叹 (Wang Yang Xing Tan) English Translation: Looking at the ocean and sighing pīn yīn: wàng yáng xīng tàn...
Wang Mei Zhi Ke Looking At Plums To Quench Thirst
Wang Mei Zhi Ke - Looking at plums to quench thirst
Chinese Idiom: 望梅止渴 (Wang Mei Zhi Ke) English Translation: Looking at plums to quench thirst pīn yīn: wàng méi zhǐ kě Idiom...
Ting Er Zou Xian Take Risks In A Desperate Situation
Ting Er Zou Xian - Take risks in a desperate situation
Chinese Idiom: 铤而走险 (Ting Er Zou Xian) English Translation: Take risks in a desperate situation pīn yīn: tíng ér zǒu xiǎn...
Huang Pao Jia Shen Donning The Yellow Robe
Huang Pao Jia Shen - Donning the yellow robe
Chinese Idiom: 黄袍加身 (Huang Pao Jia Shen) English Translation: Donning the yellow robe pīn yīn: huáng páo jiā shēn Idiom Meaning:...
Pan Ma Wan Gong Riding In Circles On Horseback And Drawing A Bow
Pan Ma Wan Gong - Riding in circles on horseback and drawing a bow
Chinese Idiom: 盘马弯弓 (Pan Ma Wan Gong) English Translation: Riding in circles on horseback and drawing a bow pīn yīn: pán...
Qing Chen Zhuo Shui Clear Dust And Murky Water
Qing Chen Zhuo Shui - Clear dust and murky water
Chinese Idiom: 清尘浊水 (Qing Chen Zhuo Shui) English Translation: Clear dust and murky water pīn yīn: qīng chén zhuó shuǐ Idiom...
Qing Jun Ru Weng Please Enter The Jar
Qing Jun Ru Weng - Please enter the jar
Chinese Idiom: 请君入瓮 (Qing Jun Ru Weng) English Translation: Please enter the jar pīn yīn: qǐng jūn rù wēng Idiom Meaning:...
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